Frontier Community College 2023-24 Annual Report

Student Named Forum Panelist


The PATH program provided Gregory with encour - agement and practical academic skills to support her during this difficult time in her life. She met with College and Career Center Specialist Jordie Higgason to develop a student schedule, as her goal was to identify times to study both old and new ma- terials as she prepared to eventually take the National Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX). The study schedule that was implemented prioritized a work-life balance and allowed Gregory to meet her academic goals while still focusing on her priorities outside of the class- room, like spending time with her husband and other family members. Her long-term goal is to work as an oncology nurse to help others battling cancer. As much as her devotion has paid off in achieving her academic gaols, she stressed how import - ant it is to allow yourself to enjoy life outside of the classroom. “Always allow personal time to yourself, every day. Don’t drown yourself in homework and studying,” Gregory said. She has since passed the NCLEX, obtained her Asso - ciate Degree in Nursing and holds a registered nursing license. Gregory has begun attendance at SIUE School of Nursing to obtain her BSN. 

n Thursday September 21st and Friday, September 22nd, 2023, the Forum for Excellence was hosted in East Peoria, Illinois. The event is sponsored by the Illinois Community College Board (ICCB) and is Illinois’ premier professional development event. The conference highlighted the continuing partnership of Career, Technical, and Adult Education in Illinois. The ICCB chose FCC Nursing student Taylor Gregory to serve as a student panelist after reviewing her story of success that was submit- ted for the Pipeline for the Advancement of the Healthcare Workforce Program (PATH) Grant. Gregory wanted to follow in the footsteps of her mother and grandmother who were nurses, so she chose to enroll in the nursing program at FCC after hearing great reviews from family and friends who attended the college. Prior to graduating from the program, Taylor was diagnosed with anaplastic large cell lymphoma of the pelvis and metastasis to the brain. The life changing event occurred just four months before graduation.

ABOVE: Chief Academic Officer Paul Bruinsma with Taylor Gregory and family

20 FCC Annual Report

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