Frontier Community College 2023-24 Annual Report

Continued Green Energy Initiative


The table’s installation is an example of the continued commitment to green energy at FCC along with the solar panels on the north-side of campus, which have been fully operational since May 2022, and the new hybrid vehicle purchased for the Automotive Program.

he effort to increase the amount of energy efficient improvements continued as a solar-powered picnic table was placed on campus. The table, concrete slab, and sidewalks leading up were all purchased through the Illinois Green Economy Network (IGEN) Grant. IGEN was formed in 2008 through an intergovernmental agreement with support from the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity, the Governor’s Office, and the Illinois Community College Board. Their mission is to provide a platform for collaboration among all Illinois community colleges and their partners to drive the growth of the clean energy economy and workforce. This eco-friendly table will provide students with another place on campus to sit and study, socialize, or relax while being able to charge their devices. Wired and wireless charging is one of many features, including an LED lighting system, surge protection for devices, and an adjustable umbrella to maximize the sun’s exposure on the panels for peak seasonal efficiency.

CAO Bruinsma spoke about how the installation

is a benefit in more ways than one.

“We are always looking for ways to make additions to campus that will benefit students - being able to do so while being environmentally conscious is even better,” said Bruinsma. 

ABOVE: Solar- powered picnic table outside of the Adult Education building

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