Frontier Community College 2023-24 Annual Report


connects these buildings, as opposed to walk- ing on Industrial Drive. We are in the initial stages of a collaboration with the Fairfield Park District to enhance the experience of our Bobcat Softball Team by adding a concrete surface adjacent to the field. This will allow participants and fans to walk from the concession area to the home dugout and bleachers on a solid surface.

rontier Community College has had a very productive year with respect to changes to the campus environ- ment during 2023. With the use of “Beautification Monies’ provided by the District Office, we accom- plished the following improvements: •

Completed the renovation of Bob Boyles Hall, creating an up-to-date, professional environ- ment for campus and community use. Improved the landscaping around build- ings and created new beds for annuals and perennials. Enhanced campus aesthetics with new carpet- ing and baseboard (Mason Hall), area rugs, canvas prints for walls, and outside waste containers. Renovated the Emergency Preparedness Building by removing old wall air condition- ers and a drop box, installing new siding, and repainting the exterior (to be completed soon).

The most exciting change for the campus will be the renovation of Rotary Plaza and creation of a pavilion. The planning of this project began early in 2023 and is just now coming to fruition. It will retain the commemoration of the 100th anniversary of the Fairfield Rotary Club as well as honoring the one-room schoolhouses of Wayne County. Demolition has already begun, and the building should be completed this summer. We are anticipating students, classes, campus groups, employees and community organi- zations will utilize this new outside venue. My role as Vice-Chancellor of Academic Affairs began on July 1, 2024, though I really did not anticipate the challenges that came with the title. I have never been averse to change, especially when it can create a more efficient process that results in a win-win for stakeholders. Though the pace of change is slower than anticipated, I do enjoy the opportunity and hope to create improvements that result in IECC better accom- plishing its mission.

One of the most satisfying aspects of my role as president is to collaborate on a project. More specif- ically, I appreciate working with community entities. In the last year, we were able to combine efforts on two projects: • We recently completed a partnership with the City of Fairfield whereby a sidewalk was built that connects Bobcat Crossing (student housing adjacent to campus), the north side of Cox Hall, and the Bobcat Den. This allevi- ates a safety issue whereby our students now have a dedicated, solid surface to walk on that

Dr. Jay Edgren President and

Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs

6 FCC Annual Report

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