SOLO EXHIBITION 07.09.24 - 21.09.24


INTRODUCTION September 2024

Julian Mason has been visiting Scotland since he was a child. As a full time painter, he now spends months away at a time, painting the places that inspire him most. Glencoe and Glen Etive, Glenfinnan, Arisaig, Skye, and Iona are just a few of these places. This new exhibition explores the rugged isolation and beauty of the Highlands and Islands of Scotland. Out in all weathers with canvases strapped to his back, Julian enjoys the challenges of working outdoors as much as the rewards - the feeling that he is a part of the landscape he is painting. There is a sense of really being there within Julian’s work, a quality that emerges through his quiet and dedicated study of the landscape around him. What emerges on the canvas is largely dictated by the weather and the changing light. It demands a hardiness, and a readiness for both adventure and adversity. The fleeting changes in weather and light mean it is impossible to capture a particular moment in the way a camera might; what Julian paints is the feeling and atmosphere of the whole day, conveying the majesty and the tranquility of some of Scotland’s most beautiful mountains and coastlines. We hope that you will enjoy this exhibition as much as we have enjoyed working with Julian to put it together. In addition to the framed works, the exhibition will feature many of Julian’s oil sketches - small visual and written notes of what has been observed that day. We’ll also be given a visual insight into his interactions on the ferries - the Caledonian MacBrayne network that make all of his painting trips possible.

Eileadh Swan Gallery Director

“Walked down river from footbridge today. Last day on Allt Dearg Beag. Took my biggest canvas whatever the weather, and made some mess as per usual this week. Lots of rain with splashes of sunshine. What a place!”

RIVER WANDERER, SKYE Oil on Canvas | £4300 Framed Size: 113 x 87 cm

“Painted here before and feels like it’s the first time. Just magical, especially before the crowds arrive.”

COIRE NA CREICHE Oil on Canvas | £2600 Framed Size: 71 x 71 cm

AUTUMN, GLEN ETIVE Oil on Canvas | £1400 Framed Size: 47 x 47 cm

COASTAL PATHWAYS Oil on Canvas | £1400 Framed Size: 47 x 47 cm

NORTHWEST FROM IONA Oil on Canvas | £2600 Framed Size: 111 x 51 cm

SUMMER HUES, IONA Oil on Canvas | £800 Framed Size: 31 x 31 cm

COASTAL FRESH Oil on Canvas | £800 Framed Size: 31 x 31 cm

WEST FROM IONA Oil on Canvas | £2600 Framed Size: 111 x 51 cm

“A track to Inveruplan off the A837, Assynt. It was quiet until I was ‘Rabbie’d’, interesting group. Fifteen minutes of chat and noise, then the sound of the Inver returned.”

THE RIVER INVER Oil on Canvas | £2600 Framed Size: 71 x 71 cm

“Trying to keep the subject simple, almost blurring eyes at times to keep tones good and description low. What a subject!”

ELEMENTS, GLENCOE Oil on Canvas | £4300 Framed Size: 113 x 87 cm

QUIET BAY, KILCHERAN, LISMORE Oil on Canvas | £1400 Framed Size: 47 x 47 cm

COASTAL WANDERS Oil on Canvas | £1400 Framed Size: 47 x 47 cm

“Good prospects, started in the dull. Wasn’t sure how things would go. Pleased to have ironed out some bits in the previous day. By the end fighting midges, tide, dark cloud and fatigue.”

LIGHT DANCE, PLOCKTON Oil on Canvas | £4300 Framed Size: 113 x 87 cm

“Slept like a log and missed an Aurora display last night. Glorious day.”

WILD IRISES, MORAR Oil on Canvas | £2200 Framed Size: 72 x 62 cm

“A difficult week, but light in the afternoon/ evening twice in a row. Windy enough to keep midges at bay.”

PLOCKTON BAY Oil on Canvas | £2200 Framed Size: 72 x 62 cm

A SHELTERED HARBOUR Oil on Canvas | £800 Framed Size: 31 x 31 cm

WASH DAY, SANDEND Oil on Canvas | £800 Framed Size: 31 x 31 cm

“Cuillin,Skye. Mist, wind, sleet showers, sun, snow, rain, sun, wind, cold, sun.”

ALLT DEARG MOR, SKYE Oil on Canvas | £4800 Framed Size: 133 x 102 cm

LOW TIDE AT MORAR Oil on Canvas | £1800 Framed Size: 61 x 61 cm

PATHWAY THROUGH THE DUNES, MORAR Oil on Canvas | £1800 Framed Size: 61 x 61 cm

“Allt Daraich at my back. An umbrella day, some hefty showers. Watched a caterpillar whilst holding onto kit in a particularly heavy shower . ”

SUNSHINE AND SHOWERS, CUILLIN Oil on Canvas | £2600 Framed Size: 71 x 71 cm

“Heavy rain overnight, painted until the haar moved in. Spoke to some Norwegians.”

Prev ious : SOUND OF IONA

Right : ISLAND COASTLINE Oil on Canvas | £2200 Framed Size: 72 x 62 cm Oil on Canvas | £2600 Framed Size: 111 x 51 cm

EVENING ON THE MORAR ESTUARY Oil on Canvas | £2000 Framed Size: 72 x 57 cm

ATLANTIC AIR, ISLAY Oil on Canvas | £2000 Framed Size: 72 x 57 cm

“Heavy rain, unlike yesterday, almost walked back. Came too far with too big a canvas. Need a good coat, sheltered under a tree. Became better and better, didn’t move. Saw a Deer herd on return.”

AUTUMN FALLS, ARDGOUR Oil on Canvas | £4300 Framed Size: 113 x 87 cm

“Up on Allt Dearg Beag. First deployment of large fishing umbrella. Was heading further up, but very blustery and showery, didn’t fancy walking across the footbridge with my kit. Waterfall music all day.”

CUILLIN FOOTBRIDGE Oil on Canvas | £3000 Framed Size: 87 x 72 cm

TORRIDON FROM KENMORE NEAR SHEILDAIG Oil on Canvas | £2600 Framed Size: 111 x 51 cm

“Predicted cloud gave way to full sun. Cotton grass looked great. A looming Sail Gharbh as backdrop. This place is astounding when you can see it.”

COTTONGRASS SAIL GHARBH Oil on Canvas | £4100 Framed Size: 103 x 83 cm

SEA BREEZE Oil on Canvas | £1800 Framed Size: 61 x 61 cm

EVENING CALM, MORAR Oil on Canvas | £1400 Framed Size: 47 x 47 cm

“Venus and Jupiter very bright. High tide at seven, mist, delayed start. Out at ten, brief bright spell then cloud moved in.”

MULL FROM IONA Oil on Canvas | £2200 Framed Size: 72 x 62 cm

“Below Quinag, with biggest canvas. Went better than expected, a lot of subject and not enough hands or brushes.”

QUINAG Oil on Canvas | £4300 Framed Size: 113 x 87 cm

“Rocks and Morar estuary today. Startled by an otter who wasn’t, thought it was a black cat at first. It didn’t run off, just played in the shallows.”

LOW TIDE, MORAR Oil on Canvas | £2200 Framed Size: 72 x 62 cm

“Painted above Strathan. Up through a track and then you are overlooking Canisp and Suilven. Winnowing snipe, dragonflies, bog grass, felt gloriously isolated.”

MOOR AND MOUNTAINS NEAR LOCHINVER Oil on Canvas | £3000 Framed Size: 87 x 71 cm

OBAN HARBOUR Oil on Canvas | £900 Framed Size: 47 x 27 cm

HOME TIME Oil on Canvas | £1300 Framed Size: 55 x 31 cm

“Had to have a crack at this view, couldn’t tell if the yacht was packing or unloading. Darkening skies and a bit midgy by the end.”

PLOCKTON SOJOURNER Oil on Canvas | £3300 Framed Size: 81 x 81 cm

SHIMMERING LIGHT, CUILLIN Oil on Canvas | £800 Framed Size: 33 x 33 cm

GUALACHAIN BOTHY, END OF THE ROAD Oil on Canvas | £800 Framed Size: 31 x 31 cm

SHIMMERING LIGHT, CUILLIN Oil on Canvas | £800 Framed Size: 33 x 33 cm

In addition to his framed works, Julian has provided us with a group of his smaller, unframed paintings for the exhibition along with a selection of studies and exploratory works on canvas paper. Further images and information can be found on the A Painted Day exhibition page on our website.

QUINAG STUDIES Oil on Canvas Paper | £400 Size: 35 x 25 cm

All paintings are for sale and may be purchased or reserved upon receipt of this catalogue. We kindly request that decisions on reserves are made before noon on Friday the 6th of September.

MORNINGSIDE GALLERY 94 Morningside Road, Edinburgh, EH10 4BY 0131 447 3041 art@morningsidegallery.co.uk www.morningsidegallery.co.uk

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