2021 Mid Year Membership Book.pdf


National Indian Gaming Association Member Tribes


Ernie Stevens, Jr., Chairman Jason Giles, Executive Director




September 30, 2021

Last Thursday, September 23, the Remove the Stain Act passed the House of Representatives as an included amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2022 (NADAA FY2022). It now moves to the Senate for consideration. The National Indian Gaming Association, along with its sister intertribal organizations at, wrote to leaders of the House Armed Services and Rules Committees to vocalize the importance of the passage of this bill for Indian Country. [INSERT ESJ QUOTE] On March 26, 2021, Representative Kai Kahele (HI-02) introduced the Remove the Stain Act in the House of Representatives, which will rescind all 20 Medals of Honor awarded for the gruesome and horrific acts committed on December 29, 1890, at Wounded Knee. This massacre of over 250 Lakota Sioux, half of which were women and children, should not be memorialized by the highest military decoration in our Nation and has been for far too long. The bill would also require the Air Force, Army, Coast Guard, and Navy to remove the names of those award recipients from the Medal of Honor Roll. The National Indian Gaming Association sincerely thanks Representative Kahele for taking the lead to stop the painful and disrespectful reminder to the relatives of those taken at Wounded Knee and support this legislation as a start to healing the historical trauma this crime caused. The Remove the Stain Act needs additional support from our leadership to move through the Senate. We strongly urge our Member Tribes to write to their Senators to urge support for the inclusion of the Remove the Stain Act as an amendment to H.R. 4350, the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2022. We have included a template letter below for your reference, to contact your Representatives and the leadership of both the House Armed Services and Rules Committees. Please contact Danielle Her Many Horses at dhermanyhorses@indiangaming.org with any questions or concerns with this alert.

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