Sklar Technology Partners - December 2021


With 4 Lead Nurture Must-Do’s in 2022! People want to do business with people they trust, and you can’t form a strong relationship after just one interaction. It takes time to build a connection with potential and current clients, and the more you put into these relationships, the more you will get out of them. When lead nurture is one of your top sales priorities, you land better sales, generate more customers, and create lasting partnerships that spawn referrals and more money spent.


3 Tips to Strengthen Your Entrepreneurial Mindset

The most difficult part about running a successful company is keeping your head constantly, relentlessly in the game. As Harvard-educated talk show host Soledad O’Brien once put it, “Being an entrepreneur is a mindset. You have to see all things as opportunities all the time.” Achieving this mindset is easier said than done, but a big piece of it is confidence. You can see all of the opportunities you want, but they won’t matter unless you have the courage to go for them! To maintain — or reclaim — your confidence in 2022, try these tips before it’s too late. 1. Look to your role models. So maybe 2021 wasn’t your best year ever. Did Walt Disney give up on his empire when he was fired from the Kansas City Star for “lacking imagination”? Did Winston Churchill throw in the towel on politics when his party disowned him in 1929? Of course not! So why should you let failure get you down? When in doubt, pick up the biography of a hero in your field to get inspired by the obstacles they overcame. 2. List your successes . What did you succeed at in 2021 or in the last five years? Take out a piece of paper and write down that list of accomplishments. This will remind you of the “why” behind your business — and of how far you’ve come. This is especially important if you feel like you failed someone else (like your employees or family). As Inc. magazine reminds us, “Being hard on yourself only perpetuates your feelings of failure, which does neither party much good.” 3. Create a plan for long-term success. If you’re unsure of where you’re headed, it’s difficult to go forth with confidence. But if you have a plan, then you can hold your head high. So, make one! Now is the perfect time to map out your goals for 2022 and beyond. Pick up the book “Your Best Year Ever: A 5-Step Plan for Achieving Your Most Important Goals” by Michael Hyatt for tips. P.S. If “make sure our company’s data is secure” is on your list of goals for 2022 (which it should be!), you can get started now by booking an in-depth risk assessment at

If you’re ready to get started, don’t forget these four tips.

Automate: There’s no reason lead generation has to require extra work, even if it should be a top priority. Set up weekly or monthly email messages, newsletters, postcards, celebration cards, and coupons that directly put your information in your potential consumers’ hands. This constant drip ensures you are always communicating with your leads without much effort. Be Consistent: Far too many businesses give up after three or four lead generation tactics because they “haven’t seen a response.” Nurture takes time! You wouldn’t expect a newborn to walk — why are you expecting your prospects to invest after such a short time? Commit to the long game, and you will gain the right customers who are excited to work with you! Use Multiple Techniques: In today’s digital age, you may believe email is the best way to put your message at the forefront of your prospects’ minds, but that’s the wrong approach. Your prospects get hundreds of emails every day — what’s going to make yours so special? (It probably won’t be.) You also have to target them with direct mail, phone calls, and freebies. Hit them on multiple levels, allowing your business to stand out from the crowd. Track: Once you make a sale, ask the customer what motivated them to buy from you. How did they hear about you? What platforms did they enjoy? This information can help you track what’s working and what isn’t, allowing you to invest properly in your lead generation campaign. Furthermore, track open rates, responses, and phone calls after you release a lead nurture message. This data is invaluable.

2 • .................................................................................... Security. Availability. Support. Lead nurturing should be a big component of your business in 2022. We promise the effort will pay off!

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