King's Business - 1930-10


K i n g ' s

B u s i n e s s

T h e

October 1930

the one hand and an unbalanced fanaticism on the other. It has been demonstrated that the young people o f today respond to a sane, careful presentation of the Bible as the infallibly inspired Word of God. The position which has been maintained throughout is that of unquestioned ad­ herence to the great cardinal doctrines upon which the evangelical Church has been built during the ages. The need of regeneration and transformation through the work of the Holy Spirit, made possible by the atoning sacrificial death of Christ on Calvary, and His bodily resurrection from the grave, have been proclaimed as abso­ lutely essential to saving faith. The effort has been made to present the truth with a positive note and the unique results more than justify the belief that God has set His seal of approval upon the enterprise. F uture P ossibilities This coming school year will, in many respects, be the determining period in the life and future of the University Bible Clubs. The maintenance of the work, during the coming year depends upon the manner in which it is de­ veloped. An active policy that will touch the entire Uni­ versity is essential if it is not to. be absorbed by the forces working against it. Some of the things which are neces­ sary for the proper development of this work can be easily stated; others can only be seen as new opportunities arrive and new doors are opened. Among the immediate needs in order that the field may be adequately covered are the fol­ lowing : 1. One of the cardinal principles upon which the Bible Clubs have been built is that of emphasizing the reading of the Word of God as being quick and powerful and ade­ quate to meet the needs of the student life. To this end plans are now being made to secure and distribute from three to six thousand copies of the Gospel of John in an edition especially designed to meet the university situation. It is our hope to furnish with these Gospels a flexible leather cover which will make the book more attractive to those who receive it. The cost of these Gospels with their covers will probably be from twenty to twenty-five cents each, but their value in changing student life is ines­ timable. (Continued on page 464)

ization, known as “ The University Bible Clubs, Inc.,” commenced a series of experimental activities in an effort to bring a definitely conservative and evangelical message to the university young people. Because of the peculiar nature of the university field it was thought advisable to maintain this work as an inde­ pendent, interdenominational enterprise. It is therefore not officially connected with or controlled by any other Christian agency. Its Board of Directors and Board of Speakers and Advisors have been carefully selected from various denominations. Its five-fold object is well stated in the articles of incorporation as follows: 1. To establish and promote Bible-centered, evangelical, in­ terdenominational Christian work in educational and community centers of California. 2. To provide for a deepening of the spiritual life through definite study of the Word of. God. 3. To aid in the solution o f common life problems through inspirational and devotional fellowship and discussion with other evangelical Christians. 4. To foster spiritual exercise through the expression and practice of definite Christian life declarations. 5. To stimulate united effort in winning men and women to the Lord Jesus Christ. The results of the past year have been most gratify­ ing. From a period of experimentation the work has passed into a period of demonstration. At the close of the school term more than one hundred seventy-five students were enrolled in the various Bible study classes, meeting in club rooms across the street from the University cam­ pus. During the school year more than five hundred prayer circles, Bible classes, deputations to churches, and other meetings were held under the auspices of this organization, and the enthusiasm of the young people was such as to promise great things for the future development of this work. During the Summer School session a Bible study class has been conducted each week and two devotional prayer meetings have been held each school day. The influence which this group of young people has had and is having in the formation of a new campus atti­ tude towards conservative evangelical Christianity cannot be overstated. In conducting the work, utmost care has been exer­ cised to avoid the pitfalls of a rationalistic modernism on

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