King's Business - 1930-10


T h e

K i n g ' s

B u s i n è s s

October 1930

boards, a mimeograph, desks, chairs, files, etc. These are being purchased as rapidly as the money becomes available. A clear statement of these needs is made in order that Christian people may have before them specific items to include upon their prayer lists. This work has been built on a faith basis. There has been no dependence on any board, agency, church, or endowment fund to establish or carry it on. Being an independent, interdenominational movement, the support that does come must continue to be from such stewards of God’s treasury as may feel laid upon their hearts the burden of this mighty task. We be­ lieve that if a real demonstration can be made, permanent in character and thoroughly sound in nature, upon the cam­ pus o f this great and growing University, Christian lead­ ers will be heartened in all parts of the country to again take up the task of winning and holding our young peo­ ple for the Christ o f the Bible. The forces arrayed on the side of modernistic materialism and indifferent agnosticism are tremendous and it is only by thè power of God and through the prayerful backing of devoted Christians throughout the land that this work can be maintained. •> . M The Salvation o f Scripture (Continued from page 463) the saints from physical accidents, will be the objects of the care o f the Church in the ages to come. •;d Thus the consummation of salvation includes the per? .fefction of the Church ; the completion of the new creation ; the manifestation of redemption; the exhibition o f the wonders of the grace o f God ; the:distribution of rewards ; and the entering by the Church into her eternal place and purpose. i :The writer would again ask of the reader if this sal­ vation is his, if he knows the Lord Jesus Christ as his Salvation, if he looks for the Lord Jesus Christ from heaven as his highest hope. The Lord is coming. He may cdme today, this moment,, while these lines are being read. If lie should so come, will there be such service presented as will stand the test and bring rewards, which will be the only things saved sinners can offer unto Him who loved us and loosed us from our sins by His own blood ? The simple pathway to all the above is,•“ Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thoti shalt be saved’’ ; and “ present unto the Lord your body as a living sacrifice which is your reasonable service.” I shall see the King in His beauty, In the land that is far away,

O Blessed Tide! By C onstance C oote

There is a tide o f blessing Wide-flowing through the earth, Its waters fresh and stainless A s when they first had birth. One and the same it floweth, And yet with gathered force, Still reaching some fresh nation In its resistless course. Kingdoms may rise and vanish, This river floweth still — Barth’s passing generations Yet come and drink their fill. What is this world-wide treasure, This wondrous gift outpoured? It is our Holy Bible, It is God’s written Word. Still in increasing witness' .It is sent forth anew; Into fresh; tongues translated, Where fresh hearth find it. true. Toil on, 0 patient workers! Flow on, 0 blessbd tide! And through His Word, life-giving, ' May Christ W glorified. Sg i .... fr-The Christian,

The Bible and thé University ■ (Continued from page 459) ;,.

2. There is immediate need for an adequate circulat­ ing library. Literally scores of the questions which are being raised in the classrooms and on the campus concern­ ing-the Bible and its integrity hâve been adequately mét by Christian scholars time ahd: again. Many splendid books are on the market, which, if they could be. gotten into the hands of the students, would garrison them against the attacks to which they are constantly exposed. I ■ 3. With proper financial resources it would be possible to-secure several well-equipped University young people who ,could devote time which they are now spending in making a little money with which to carry them through University, in definite: personal evangelism on the campus itself. No one can work with students like students, and while much of this work is done in a voluntary way by members of the Clubs, yet far more rapid strides could be made if a fund were available for this purpose. 4. During the coming school year it is expected that more than three hundred young people will enroll in the twenty classes that are planned to convene each week. In order to take care of these, along with devotional and other meetings, the services of various conservative pas­ tors and Bible teachers are being solicited. 5. The work is at present seriously handicapped by lack of adequate facilities. It will be necessary during the coming year to secure additional space for classrooms. There is also a constantly growing need for additional equipment for class and club rooms, book cases, black­

When the shadows at length have lifted,' And the darkness has turned to dày. I shall see Him, I shall be like Him, By one glance of His face transformed ; And this body of sin and darkness To the image of Christ conformed.

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