King's Business - 1930-10


T H E K i n g ' s

B u s i n e s s

October 1930

III. The Bible and Sin. We need not argue that the Bible declares the fact of sin. It does more: It looks upon sin as a deadly disease, describes its symptoms, and prescribes the only and abso­ lute cure. IV. Jesus Christ and Sin. The Lord Jesus was “ tempted in all points as we are, sin apart.” In the final combat at Calvary, He settled for­ ever the sin question for every one who will put faith in Him. There He set sin’s slaves free and chained sin itself to His blessed chariot wheels. V. The Preacher and Sin. Preachers of Bible times dealt faithfully with the sin question. Their cries against it are masterpieces of de­ famation. They suffered persecution and affliction, but they spoke the truth fearlessly. No preacher can be true to his commission and hedge in the least on the subject of sin. The need of the present hour is more Bible preach­ ers in our pulpits who will cry out against sin. VI. Yourself and Sin. You yourself have sinned. To deny it is to lie (1 John 1 :8 ). Unless you are a born again soul you are under condemnation and are awaiting the sure judgment of God. There is One, the spotless Lamb of God, who has taken your place; He offers to be your substitute. The penalty for sin must be exacted from either yourself or the divine substitute. The purchase price of your redemption is placed in your hands. It is faith in the precious blood. Offer the blood, and live!— Carl M. Sweazy, Excerpts From Letters “ I think your radio is a wonderful power for good. My husband and I remember you in prayer.”— Torrance, California. “ The Bible Institute means so much to me. T am a widow living alone. I would never have felt I could afford a radio had it not been for the hope of getting the mes­ sages of the Bible Institute. Now I could not afford to be without it. I am so thankful for the Bible Institute.’’— Pasadena, California. “ I cannot express my gratitude for the wonderful mes­ sages I get almost every day. I know most of the regular speakers and it is a joy to say ‘good morning’ to each one. May God bless the Bible Institute.” “ I feel I must express my appreciation o f the help I have received from your station. It renders a service to us in the home that nothing else does.” “ My faith in God’s people has been greatly strengthened. You say little about denominations ; I thank God it is so.”

The Sunday Night Radio Dr. Cortland Myers, who supplied the pulpit of the Church of the Open Door during the summer months, had a large and appreciative invisible audience that listened in on the radio Sunday nights. He may never know on earth whatwere the results of his fervent Gospel messages. There may have been many brought to Christ who did not report that fact to him. During an earlier series of meetings held in the Church of the Open Door, Dr. Myers met a gentle­ man, probably representative of many, who was won for Christ through listening to a radio address. One Monday morning this man entered the office of a member of the Institute staff. He said he had recently completed a home-made radio set and had been testing it the night be­ fore. By accident, he had tuned in on the Institute pro­ gram while Dr. Myers was preaching. This was the first Gospel message he had heard in many years. As he lis­ tened, the Spirit convicted him, and right there, seated before his radio, he yielded his life to the Lord. As he was telling this story of new-found joy and peace, Dr. Myers stepped into the office. They were introduced and they rejoiced together in what God had wrought. Sin is just as ghastly and as appalling in its deadly work of destruction in this day of liberal theology as it was when religious teachers were straight shooters, deal­ ing with facts rather than theories. Let us consider the subject of sin in several important aspects. I. Satan and Sin. The first person to experiment with sin was Lucifer, the son of the morning. Notice the repetition of the ex­ pression, “ I will” (Isa. 14:12-17). In the last instance Satan said, “ I will be like the Most High.” This spirit of pride and willfulness, seen also in Ezek. 28:17, led to his downfall. How such a brilliant personality, en­ dowed with such intellectual capacities and moral intui­ tions, could fall from his primitive innocence into sinful rebellion against God, is beyond the ability of philosophers and theologians to explain. The Bible furnishes the only explanation, though exceedingly brief, of the entrance of The omniscient God, anticipating the fall of man through the deception of Satan, made provision for the ultimate overthrow o f Satan and judgment of sin (Eph. 1:4). Sin strikes at God. In His absolute holiness, He cannot look upon sin with the least degree of allowance. Full atonement was made at Calvary, and there alone can the sinner find propitiation and escape condemnation. sin into the world. II. God and Sin. Heard Over Our Radio A M essage on S in

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