King's Business - 1930-10


T h e October 1930 Books Expressing the Evangelical Spirit o f the Church WORD PICTURES IN THE NEW TESTAMENT Prof. Archibald T. Robertson, L itt. D . R ecogn ized as on e o f the forem ost scholars o f New Testament Greek, P rofessor R obertson of Louisville has given us in this series on e o f the great contributions o f m odern times. H is remarkable know ledge o f G reek finds full play in this revelation of the inner m eaning of the language o f the New Testament, A ll teachers and students o f the Bible will find these vol- A lready Published, V ol. I— M A T TH EW AND MARK umes gateways to fresh beauties in the study V ol. II__-LUKE of the Saviour and His life am ong men. Ready O ctober, ' V ol. Ill— A C T S Each, $ 3 .5 0 K i n g ' s B u s i n e s s


A native son o f India answers this question in a ringing affirmation that the day is drawing nigh when his country will com e to the feet o f the Christ. A splendid b ook for the study pf present Indian conditions. $1.50

Archer Wallace*s Great Books fo r Boys

Two New Books hy Rev. William E. Biederwolf THE ADVENTURE OF THE HEREAFTER This is n o academ ic discussion o f the “ perm anence of personality.“ Dr. B iederw olf preaches to m ove men to repentance and in his discussion of the hereafter his pu rpose is to present a G ospel in which redemption and immortality play an equal part. $ 1 .50 ILLUSTRATIONS FROM ART Th e second o f a series of h ooks of illustrations in which the spiritual truths o f the w orld’ s great w orks o f art are presented in Dr. Biederwolf* s inimitable manner. Each illustration is really a sermon in itself. $ 1 .50 The first collection o f stories from the pen o f Margaret A pplegarth in five years. H ere are thirty-two capital ones for teaching religious truth, $ 1 .50 DORAN’S MINISTERS MANUAL FOR 1931 Edited by Gi B. F . Hallock Th e sixth annual volutne of a b o o k w h ich has established itself throughout the w orld. Its distribution w ould not co n ­ tinue and enhance if it did n ot lend marked emphasis tö the w ork of the Church. $ 2 .50 AT THE FOOT OF THE RAINBOW Margaret Applegarth

HANDS AROUND THE WORLD Fifteen stories o f the lives o f heroes o f as m any lands. MORE STORIES OF GRIT A second collection o f the stories o f b oys w ho w on through sheer determ ination. STORIES OF GRIT These fifteen b oy s had pluck and cou rage and they won. OVERCOMING HANDICAPS Everything w as against these b oys but they becam e leaders. BLAZING NEW TRAILS .The deeds o f heroism m issionaries throughout the w orld p er­ form ed. BOYS WHO MADE GOOD These stories o f great achievements, will give any b o y the right kind o f thrills* Each $1.00 THAT FLAME OF LIVING FIRE Clarence True Wilson A sane, Scriptural study o f the H oly Spirit, H is transform ing influ­ ence and His lasting pow er. $1.50 WRESTLERS W ITH GOD Clarence E. Macartney T h e ,p astor o f the- First Presbyterian Church, Pittsburgh, presents a study o f Prayer through the P ra y­ ers o f the Old Testam ent. $1.50 THE e v e r o p e n d o o r George H. Morrison ,

The last b ook from tfye gifted pen o f the prince o f S cotch preachers. H e m ade p leaching an art but he never .lost his spiritual pow er. $2.00 RICHARD R. SMITH, INC., 12 East 41st Street, New York

wards those who belong to Him Our Lord has told us it would be so (John 15:18). The only thing Christ has prom­ ised us from the world is persecution (John 16:33). But the noble army of mar­ tyrs praise Him. Think of the early Christians thrown to the lions, Ridley and Latimer burned at the stake, the Hugue­ nots hunted from their homes, the Cov­ enanters hounded by the troops o f Claver- house, and noble women, like Margaret Wilson and her friend, drowned in the Solway. How small is cur suffering along­ side o f theirs! Abiathar had a sad story to tell David about the killing of “the Lord’s priests” by Saul, but David allayed his fears and calmed his trembling by assuring him, “Abide with me; fear not, for he that Seeketh my life seeketh thy life, but with me thou shalt be in safeguard” (1 Sam. 22:22, 23). Companionship with our Lord makes up for any hardship we may pass through. That is what comforted the heart of Paul. He mentions in Rom. 8: 35, seven things which might separate him from the love of Christ, and in Rom. 8: 38, 39, ten other things which might do their best to accomplish this separation; but he is persuaded that their purpose will never be accomplished, for that love is a tie that no power on earth or in hell can ever sever .—Prophetic News.

The Traitor W ithin . A garrison is not free from danger while it has an enemy lodged within. You may. bolt all your doors and fasten all your windows; but if the thieves have even a child within, who can draw the bolts for them, the house is still unpro­ tected. All the sea outside the ship can­ not do it damage till the water enters within and fills the hold. Hence, it is clear, our greatest danger is from within. All the devils in hell and tempters oh earth could do no injury if there were no corruption in our nature. The sparks will fly harmless if there is no tinder. Alas, our heart is our greatest enemy; this is the little home-born thief. “Lord, save me from that evil man, myself.” — C. H. Spurgeon. —o— Suffering and Sympathy Because of his association with David, the life o f Abimelech was threatened (1 Sam. 22:11-16), and the priests and others were slain (22:18, 19). Identification with Christ will bring suffering for and with Him. When hate burns within the heart cruelty will be found in the hand. “Wicked hands” slew Christ (Acts 2:23), and un­ righteous men would do the same to­

Exposition in Chicago, front the text • “The Son of man is come to seek and to save" that which was lost.” After he had finished, a little boy was brought to the platform by an officer, who said he had found the child wandering in the crowd, evidently lost. Mr. Moody took the little fellow in his arms, and standing before the great throng, asked them to look at thè lost child. ■“This boy has a father who is no doubt at this moment looking for him with anxious heart,” said he. “The father is more anxious to find his boy than the boy is to be found. It is just so with our heavenly Father. He is seeking us today, seeking us with unspeakable solicitude. For long years He has been following you, O sinner. He is following you still. He is calling you today.” At that moment,a man with blanched face was seen elbowing his way toward the platform. As he reached it the little boy saw him and, running across the plat­ form, threw himself into his father’s out­ stretched arms. The multitude that wit­ nessed the scene broke out in a mighty cheer. “Thus,” cried Mr. Moody, “will God re­ ceive you if you will only run to Him to­ day. ‘The Son o f man is come to seek and to save that which Was lost.’ ,

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