King's Business - 1930-10

October 1930

T h e

K i n g ' s

B u s i n e s s


The Utopia o f Unity B y J ay S. S owell

S. D . G O R D O N S N E W B O O K Quiet Talks on the Bible Story

To use a hackneyed phrase, this is a very timely book. It is needed to point out the fallacies o f many of the plausible arguments for church union which have been given wide currency in recent years. It recognizes the advantages of coopera­ tion and fellowship, but shows the dan­ gers o f attempts at union between bodies of Christians who differ on essential points. The present reviewer cannot have as much confidence in “the assured results of modern Biblical criticism and the ma­ terials upon which they are built” as the author seems to show. Neither does he share his apparent confidence in the Eed- eral Council of the Churches, of Christ in America. An organization which is domi­ nated by modernists will never advance the cause of orthodox Christianity. In spite of these and other minor defects the volume can be heartily commended be­ cause it shows that efforts at church union and combination are neither feasible nor desirable. 123 pages. Revell. Cloth. Price $1.25. — o— The Story o f David Livingstone B y W. P. ¡L ivingstone This splendid biography of that most noble and courageous missionary-explorer, David Livingstone, was prepared after the author had traveled through Africa, and met many old chiefs who had seen and talked with Livingstone. The difficulties, defeats, disappointments, sufferings—the shadows as well as the sunshine—are viv­ idly portrayed, and the reader is taken deep into the heart and life of this daunt­ less missionary hero. The great passion that possessed ■David Livingstone has gripped the heart o f the writer, and the reader feels its throb in every chapter of the book. An excellent map, tracing the various journeys, and several well-chosen illustrations, complete this inspiring biog­ raphy. 161 pages. Harper & Bros. Cloth. Price $1.50. — o— Through Central Africa B y W. J. W. R oome This book might fittingly be called the “ Log of the Lingua.” It is a most inter­ esting record of a four-thousand-mile trip in the British and Foreign Bible Society’s motor bus, the “Lingua,” touring east and central Africa. The lover of missions, who is familiar with the heart-breaking struggles and tra­ gedies o f pioneer days in Africa, will re­ joice in this narrative of God’s wondrous working in the very territory of these early labors. The seed sown and the foun­ dations laid in those dark days were cost­ ly, but an abundant harvest of souls and the numerous established missionary cen­ ters o f today bear witness that the labor was “not in vain.” The author gives many colorful incidents of the trip, and the book is well illustrated. The glimpse into the life of the pygmies in their native forests is especially interesting. 208 pages. Revell. Cloth. Price $1.50.

Nearly Two Million o f Mr. Gordon’ s “ Quiet Talks” have been sold and are now the treasured possessions o f count­ less homes. This latest book treats o f the Word o f God in its many aspects, viz.: How it Started and Grew. What it Tells and Its Influence on and Indispensability to Mankind. A book every Christian should own and keep next to the Bible. $1.25


Some Living Issues

Forty Years on the Labrador B y Ernest H ayes This life-story o f Sir W ilfred Grenfell has been written to m eet an obvious need. A co n ­ secutive story o f Grenfell’s life and w ork, told in brief com pass, and arranged so as to show its steady developm ent down to the present time. $1.25 The Directed Survey and Visitation Evangelism B y A . Earl Kernahan, D.D. The com petent director o f V isitation evan­ gelistic cam paigns, here adds an exceptionally useful and inform ative manual needed in the con du ct o f a survey preparatory to a cam ­ paign. Illustrated, $1.50 The House of Friendship B y A lbert H . Gage A n eloquent, w ell-reasoned plea fo r the per­ m eation o f every Church and Sunday School a ctiv ity with the spirit o f . unadulterated Christian friendliness and fellow ship. $1.25 The World’s Best Religious Quotations B y James G ilchrist Law son A s there is no com pilation o f like character now on the market, Mr. Law son’s new volum e should be o f inestim able help to m inisters, C hristian lay w orkers o f every grade, and, also, to readers in general. $2.00 The Shepherd Psalm B y H enry H ow ard, Litt.D . Pastojr Fifth A ve. Presbyterian C hurch (N .Y .) This study o f the Tw enty-third Psalm is inform ed throughout b y a gracious, kindly philosophy and expressed in the warm , limpid English o f which the author is an assured m aster. $1.25 Radiant Girlhood B y Eleanor V ellacott W ood C hoice, fragrant papers, written especially for the m aiden w ho stands at the gatew ay o f awakening w om anhood, where the future is fair w ith prom ise. (C om rade Series) 60c

B y R obert E . Speer, D.D. "A s refreshing a s a cool breeze on a sultry day. Deals with doctrines essential to the Christian faith in a m asterly manner, and is an imm ense asset to Evangelical Christianity. It should b e in the hands o f all theological students and Christian m inisters and thinking laym en, everyw here.” — D avid G. W ylie, D.D., LL.D. $2.50 The Lord’s Prayer in Practice B y A n Unknown Christian The latest devotional m editative study, from the pen o f the devotional w riter w hose books have attained a large popularity on both sides o f the A tlantic. Unusually helpful studies in the concerns o f the higher spiritual life. Paper, 8 0 c; Cloth, $1.25 Living Through These Days B y Philip E. H ow ard o f The Sunday School Tim es H ow are w e to live, just now, am id all the bew ildering factors which threaten our peace o f m ind? Mr. H ow ard w rites ou t o f a deep con viction as becom es a man o f faith and prayer and indicates w ays and means to re­ newed strength and confidence in these trying tim es. $1.25 Twice-Born Ministers B y Samuel M. Shoemaker, Jr. A uthor o f '‘Children o f the Second Birth,” etc. “ A plea fo r reality in religion. It is a dis­ turbing book. It will cause you to ask you r­ self if you are giving men and w om en in sin, sorrow and difficulty the security and jo y o f a real experience in C hrist.” — B aptist Stan­ dard. $1.50 The Fine Art of Motherhood B y Ella Broadus R obertson A w ise and unusually practical b ook deal­ ing with the great, far-reaching duties and re­ sponsibilities o f w ife and m other. Mrs. R o b ­ ertson’s w ork offers aid and counsel such as all m others desiring the welfare o f their ch il­ dren will be happy to secure. C loth, $1.50




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