King's Business - 1930-10


T h e

K i n g ' s

B u s i n e s s


ILLUSTRATIONS FROM ART By W. E. Biederwolf C h r i s t enthroned in the world’s art. Every illustra­ tion a sermon. $1.50 at your Bookstore RICHARD R. SMITH, Inc.-NEW YORK INSTANTREFERENCEDESK-FILE Com bining a m odern, flat

God’s candles we, If set where dark or light, ' It matters not—if we but keep His altar bright. God’s candles we; Oh, may we higher glow, To lighten other flames, That flicker low.

The first national English Thanksgiving was on September 18, 1588, for the defeat o f the Spanish Armada. There have been but two English Thanksgivings in this country. One was on February 27, 1872, for the recovery of the Prince of Wales from illness; the other, June 21, 1887, for the Queen’s jubi­ lee.' The New England Thanksgiving dates from 1633, when the Massachusetts Bay Colony set apart a day for thanksgiving. The first national Thanksgiving procla­ mations were issued by Congress during the Revolutionary War. The first great American Thanksgiving Day was in 1784, the declaration o f peace. There was one more national Thanksgiv­ ing in 1789, and no other till 1863, when President Lincoln issued a national proc­ lamation for a day of thanksgiving. Since that time the President has issued an an­ nual proclamation .—Journal o f Education. November 30, 1930 Our Responsibility to Spread the Gospel 1 Cor. 9:16; Rom. 1:14-16 (Missions) T houghts on the T opic The natural impulse, when some one is in physical danger, is to warn him. Such an impulse should move every believer to warn the unsaved o f their approaching doom. The one need o f every human heart, whether at home or in foreign lands, is Christ. God has ordained that men shall receive His Son as their Sav­ iour through the testimony o f other men (Rom. 10:14, 15). To the work, to the work, we are servants of God, Let us follow the path that our Master has trod; With the balm of His counsel our strength to renew, Let us do with our might what our hands find to do. * * * S ide L ights A five-story hotel caught fire. When it was thought that all the guests were rescued, there appeared at a fifth-story window the white face of an invalid woman who had been forgotten. Up went the ladder. It proved five feet too short. Quick as a flash, a broad-shouldered fire­ man said, “ Rest the ladder on my shoul­ ders.” They did so, and carried the poor woman' to, safety. The ladder was long enough to do the work when it was pieced out by the length of a man. The Gospel will do its work when the human instru­ ment is at hand.

Huber, the great naturalist, tells us that if a single wasp discovers a deposit of honey or other food, he will return to his nest and report the good news to his com­ panions, who will sally forth in great numbers to partake of the fare which has been discovered for them. Shall we who have found honey in the Rock, Jesus Christ, be less considerate of our fellow men ? Ought we not rather to hasten to tell the good news ? Common humanity should prevent us from concealing the great discovery that grace has enabled us to make.— Spurgeon. SUPPORT A NATIVE Trained native workers may be supported on the mission field for from $25 to $150 a year. Nothing deducted from your gifts—100% to the field. For full particulars write to NAT IVE PREACHER CO ., Inc. Box K, 251 Fairmount Rd., Ridgewood, N. J.

top, oak desk, With a novel a n d con ven ­ ient reference filing system . O f inestim ­ able value to clergym en, re­ search w ork­ ers and pub­ lic speakers. W rite f o r d e s c r i p t i v e circular.

The Desk-File Company

502 So. Fourth St.,


Christmas Card Agents Earn money for yourself or your church. Sell our box assortments of Everyday cards, Christmas cards and Christmas wrappings. Unusual values, big profits. Write today for illustrated folder giving full details. T H E C O L O N IA L B E A U T Y L IN E 895 Dwight St., 229 Balboa Bldg., Springfield, Mass. San Francisco, Calif. 915 Grand Ave., Kansas City, Mo. 514 Main St.. Cincinnati, Ohio

“Had You Heardof That Discovery?” Y our Bible student friend asks you that question eagerly. He knew about it. of the Times , from his research work at Kirjath-Sepher :

“Discoveries Kirjath-Sepher parallel and corroborate Biblical history Abrahanj to end of king­ dom o f Judah. Strong courtyard with great door to resist mob reveals social conditions re­ flected in story of Lot and angels, and radically different from conditions of time to which current criticism attributes writ­ ing of that narrative.” There is no better way to keep posted on the important finds and t h e i r significance than through

And you did too, and could say so, if you also are a reader of The Sunday School Times. But the Bible teacher or stu­ dent who does not take the Times is at a disadvantage, for he is bound to miss some of the most illuminating things that are going on in the field of Bib­ lical research. For example, a cable came re­ cently from Dr. Melvin Grove Kyle, the Archeological Editor ffijf j S m t o r ç j & l j o o l

W a n t s

G od ’ s C andles W e

“ Get A cqu ain ted” Of f er— 0 /w,epk$ m or 2 5 cents (Yearly subscription rate, $2.00. In club of 5 or more, $1.50. In Canada, 25 cents extra) g For you r own subscription, and one other, both at this special rate, we will also send you a co p y o f the fam ous little book, “ A rch aeology's Solution o f Old T esta­ ment Puzzles,” by John U rquhart The Sunday School Times Company 32 5 North Thirteenth Street Philadelphia, Pa.

God’s candles we, Sojne burn high, some low ; We see the flames as souls

Where’er we go. God’s candles we,

Lit from Hjs radiant flame! If we burn clear and high, We glorify His name.

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