King's Business - 1930-10


T h e I K i n g ' s

B u s i n e s s

October 1930

D E A G A N TOWER CHIMES Played from keyboard, direct from organ consoleorautomatically. Price, $4375 and up. Literature on request. J. C. Deagan, Inc., 191 Deagan Bldg., Chicago

mightier than that of the waters—the blood of Jesus Christ. And He saves me, that in this Christ, I, like Noah, may do according unto all that Jehovah com­ mands me. Let me trust this heavenly father today, and Christ, His Son my Saviour, to blot out my sin and to keep me from sinning this day. That is what Christ will do for me if my faith in Him is only daring enough.— Messages for the Morning Watch. — o— October 20— “ The land which I do give to them, even to the children of Israel” (Josh. 1:2), God here speaks of the immediate pres­ ent. It is not something that He is going to do, but something He does do this moment. So faith ever speaks. So God ever gives. So He is meeting you today, in the present moment. This is the test of faith. So long as you are waiting for a thing, hoping for it, and looking for it, you are not believing. It may be hope, it may be earnest desire; but it is not faith, for “faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” The command in regard to believing prayer is the present tense: “What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them.” Have we come to that moment? Have we met God in His everlasting NOW?. — Joshua, by Simpson. —o— October 21— “Beloved, think it not strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened unto you-, but rejoice, inasmuch as ye are partakers o f Christ’s sufferings; that, when his glory shall be-revealed, ye may be glad also with exceeding joy” (1 Pet. 4:12, 13). There is an object in our .suffering. Though it may seem to spring causeless from the ground, yet it is carefully de­ signed by the skill o f the great Artificer. There may have been many a previous secret prayer for growth in grace and use­ fulness ; and the answer has come in the use o f fire, file, and hammer. Though the missile may be hurled by malice and ill will, yet if it is permitted to pass through the environing presence of God, it be­ comes His appointment for the refining and maturing of the sufferer’s character. In this sense His permissions become His appointments. We cannot become new, sharp, threshing instruments without fire; and therefore it is not strange when we are plied to the uttermost. We are com­ pensated for such suffering by the pres­ ence of the Spirit of glory. When such suffering lies heavily on the soul, God sees to it that it is no loser. What is lost from without is replenished from within. Let us brace ourselves, then, to suffer whatever may befall, to “count it all joy,” and take it as the theme for a psalm, as the signal for a fresh outburst of “Glory to God in the highest!”— Selected. —o— October 22— “ Wherefore look ye so sadly today” (Gen. 40:7)? Pay as little attention to discourage­ ments as possible. Plough ahead as a steamer does, rough or smooth, rain or shine. To carry your cargo and make your port is the point.— Maltbie Babcock.

White Pipe-Tone Folding Or­ gans—21 Styles. Marvelous tone quality. Light a n d durable. Tropically treated. Guaranteed. Most for your money. A . L. WHITE Mfg. Co. 215 Englewood Ave., Chicago. Dept. CW

" I prefer American Bible S o c ie t y b o n d s b e fo r e many others, first and fore­ most because they are an investment for eternity.” "M y wife and I are pleased that ou r g ift w ill u lti­ mately aid a great mission­ ary agency. |W e like your promptness in remittance.” "T h e satisfaction that I can help to aid the Gospel message and that the work w ill continue perhaps long after I have gone gives me pleasure.” "O n e attractive feature o f your annuity bond agree­ ment is that it pays a good substantial income to the Annuitant as long as he l i v e s ; a n d p a y s i t promptly.” "T h e thing most gratifying to me is the knowledge that after I am gone my m oney w ill still be at work. That is, it means perm anency o f G osp el Proclamation.|* " I am now past seventy- one, and have money in­ vested in other ways that £ive me trouble and anx­ iety; but the income from your annuity bond agree­ ment comes as regularly as the seasons.” , " I have a real joy in the thought that I can have a share in the truly wonder­ ful work the Bible Society is d o in g fo r the w h ole world. I consider this is the best investment I have ever made.” ❖ " T o my mind your Annu­ ity Bonds have many at­ tractive features but I am especially pleased that my gift will aid in a great mis­ sion ary w o rk , and that when I am gone there will be no cost o f administra­ tion, no inheritance tax, no wrangling o f heirs.”

W>rds of Praise f o r a P / a n t h a t d i s t r i b u t e s t h e WordofGod

"The attractive yield pleases us for we are people o f limited means." * "Your Annuity Bonds seem to me eating the cake and having it too; high present income, no tax on it as 1 am not in the income tax class now, and the assurance that when I go, the money is already in the hands of the Society that I have known and loved so long, for the best work in the world."


AMERICAN BIBLE SOCIETY The Bible House, Astor Place, New York, N . Y .

Gentlemen: I would^. like to learn about the plan which assures as high as 9% according to age. Please send me without obligation on my part your booklet No. 3 K.B. entitled "Bibles and Bonds”.



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