King's Business - 1930-10


T h e : K i ; n g ’: s ‘ ; B. ü s i n e s ' s

October 1930

of orthodoxy.' T he K ing ' s B usiness is glad to pass it on to its readers;— -^Editor. W hat I B elieve Sometimes, some persons, with probably the best inten­ sion, quite sincerely, take sentences out of their connection, and so fail to understand the connected teaching; and so they are apt to think that there is wrong teaching, or deficient teaching. So I am putting down here this simple plain statement of just what I believe, and have always believed, and tried to teach the best I could by tongue and pen, regarding the essential truths of the old Gospel of Christ. I believe in the Word of God, as inspired directly and fully by the Holy Spirit through the men who wrote. This applies to the entire book, from cover to cover. I believe in the deity of Jesus Christ; that He was very God of very God, born of the virgin Mary by the direct creative act of the Holy Spirit. I believe that Jesus Christ died for our sins on the cross as our substitute Saviour, and only through His precious blood shed is there salvation for any one of all the race. I believe that sin is ah act of rebellion against God’s perfect love-will, and that it is so damnable that there is no escaping the Consequences of it except through the blood of Christ. I believe that every man must make personal choice of Christ as his Saviour for present character and future des­ tiny ; and only so is there salvation for him from unending death in the future world. I believe in the Pentecostal fulness of the Holy Spirit, and that through this blessed experience one may live a life of purity and holiness, in the purpose of his heart, and increasingly in actual practice. I believe that our Lord Jesus is coming back again in person to bring the Kingdom reign, and His coming is a thing to be expected in our day.—S'. D. Gordon. —o— New Series of Bible Studies I N the December issue of T he K ing ’ s B usiness , Dr. Norman B. Harrison, pastor of the Oliver Presbyterian Church, Minneapolis, will begin a series of articles of un­ usual value and interest. He speaks of them as “ Studies in Seven, Based upon Scripture’s Numerical Structure.” He finds that because one God made the world and the Bible, the same skill of design is reflected in both. The symmetry of the Bible is plainly due to a structural plan. To see that plan is to discover new truth for the mind, new food for the soul. The studies will cover: God’s Original Week—Gen­ esis 1; The Book of Genesis; The Tabernacle; The Feasts of the Lord—Leviticus 23; The Parables of the Kingdom —Matthew 13; The Epistles to the Churches; Church History Pre-Written—Revelation 2 and 3; The Book of Revelation; the Bible as a Whole. It is evident that Dn Harrison’s articles will be orig­ inal and analytical, illuminating and stimulating. Those who know his skill as a teacher of the Word will look for­ ward to’‘them with keen aritildf^htibh. The Salvation of Scripture H TH E splendid series of articles on “ The Salvation of •*- Scripture,” by Dr. B. B. Sutcliffe, concludes in the present issue. It is hoped that at some time in the future

the articles may he gathered together in a booklet and given wide circulation. Dr. Sutcliffe has presented the truth in a clear and impressive way to the edification of many. The readers of T he K ing ’ s B usiness will be glad to know that other contributions from his pen may be ex­ pected in the not distant future. The prayers of many of God’s people will go with Dr. Sutcliffe as, he takes up the work of evangelization and Bible teaching. His dates for the next two months, as far as arranged, are as follows:. October 5 to 19—Centralia, Wash. October 22 to 26—Victoria, B. C. October 29 to November 7-—Vancouver, B. C. November 10 to 17—Medford, Ore. The Menace of the Movies R EV. W . E. Edmonds, pastor of the Glendale Presby- - terian Church, Glendale, Calif., has published,a pam­ phlet on this subject which is a synopsis of a Sunday eve­ ning sermon. It is a careful, impassioned study of the whole problem. It gives information about the dangers that confront our youth, through the motion pictures; and it will cause parents, we trust, to awaken to the tempta­ tions in the paths of their boys and girls. Testi­ monies are included from leaders of Scout movements, various city censorship boards and child welfare commis­ sions, prominent educators, judges of criminal courts’ etc. The pamphlet is published by the author; price two cents a copy. — o— New Jewish Missions Course T HE impression seems to have gone abroad that the Institute has discontinued its Jewish Department, This is not the case. Rev. J. A. Vaus, who was at the head of our Jewish Department for many years, has re­ turned to the Institute staff, bringing with him the Jewish Mission which he has been conducting in Los Angeles. In addition, he will preside over a Jewish Missions Course in the Institute. More definite information concerning this is given on another page. Mr. Vaus is well qualified, for this important work and will welcome prayerful sym­ pathy and cooperation. The new effort is commended to all who love God’s ancient people. — W. P. White. New Subscription Rates Beginning October 1, 1930, the subscription rates to. T he K ing ’ s B usiness will be as follows: Single subscription (U. S.) - - $1.50 Two years subscription (U. S.) - - 2.50 Ten annual subscriptions (U. S.) - 10.00 Three months subscription - - - .25 Canadian and foreign subscriptions require twenty- five cents additional per year for postage. Special premiums are offered in connection with clubs of trial subscriptions. See the advertisement on inside back cover of this issue; also advertisement opposite page 411 of the September number. If the magazine has helped you, invite your neighbor to become a subscriber.

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