countless victims by speaking out and doing the hard work on the ground. In a way, that is what we aim to do when we approach every news story. What is the human angle? How do we report a story in a way that is balanced, accurate and hopefully leads to a better outcome for those who are suffering? Nobel Laureate Dr Mukwege once said “rape is not just a physical, violent act perpetrated against one victim, it is an assault on humanity.” As such, all of us have a stake in what is happening in conflict zones around the world. We have to talk about it. We have to shine a light on it. And those who can, must try and help those who are suffering. Meeting Nadia Murad and Denis Mukwege inspired me to launch my own foundation in my native country Guinea to help underprivileged girls. As journalists, we must always strive to go after the truth. Because it is only when we aim to find the truth - wherever it leads - that our millions of viewers around the world will know we are doing our job and trust us to help them understand the world in which they live. As Al Jazeera marks its 25th anniversary, it is my sincere hope the vision that was laid out at the start of the network’s creation – to be the teller of stories that have long been ignored while putting people at the centre of its focus - will continue for the next 25 years and beyond.
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