Al Jazeera: A Unique Path Sheikh Hamad bin Thamer Al-Thani | Chairman of the Board
Like a single ray of light amid a vast darkness, Al Jazeera was born into the global media landscape a quarter of a century ago. Year after year, Al Jazeera has reached into more countries, speaking to different peoples in their various tongues. It became the most prominent phenomenon in the media industry in the early decades of the new century. Al Jazeera’s journey to success was not short or easy; nor was the road strewn with roses. From day one, Al Jazeera’s objective coverage enraged many; and as a result, it was not only demonised, but it was also attacked with many false accusations.
Al Jazeera’s offices were raided and, on some occasions, bombarded; its journalists were arbitrarily arrested and faced kangaroo court trials; and some were killed in the line of duty. With undented resolve, Al Jazeera has for 25 years braved the storm. All the way through, the key to Al Jazeera’s triumph has been: a journalist telling the story with humanity, in depth and with balance. As a result, the audience found their calling in Al Jazeera, which has become their main source of accurate information, their main means to knowledge and their main channel to freedom of expression.
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