In addition, this culturally and ethnically-diverse environment ensures that any story is covered from all angles and all opinions are expressed with impartiality. When we brought TEDx to the Network, it was difficult to choose the stories worth telling from among the hundreds received from our participating journalists. Myriad personal and professional experiences of the like rarely found anywhere else in the world, all under one roof: that is Al Jazeera. One of the most remarkable contributions came from the executive director of Al Jazeera Balkans, Edhem Fočo, who spoke about his personal experience of the channel’s launch in 2011. His presentation - about the role Al Jazeera Balkans had played in bridging the gap between the peoples of the deeply divided Balkan region - was inspiring. Fočo summed up the challenges he faced while launching the channel in a region where war had left indelible scars on the hearts and minds of its various ethnicities. Al Jazeera has brought under one-roof Slovene, Croat, Serb and Bosnian Muslim journalists. This is the legacy of Al Jazeera.
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