AJ 25th Book_Eng_digital

The Sword of Damocles

Nikita Hrusciov who, according to the interpreter, said “We will bury you” instead of “We will outlast you,” referring to the Unites States and to the countries of Western Europe. The hilarious mistranslations of Pepsi’s “Pepsi Generation” slogan prompted a drop in sales when it was shipped off to China. The Chinese apparently read the translation as “will raise the dead.” It was a multi-million-dollar translation mistake. To me, working for Al Jazeera is not merely a job; it is a mission. Al Jazeera tells the human story, with balance and integrity. It is the voice of the unheard. I am truly proud to be part of this endeavour, which gave me the opportunity to be more humane, by seeking perfection for fear of errors.


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