AJ 25th Book_Eng_digital

Al Jazeera & Thomson Foundation: An Enduring Union of Skills and Experience

working together in teams to demonstrate their new skills by producing a full-length television news magazine programme with content which the lead trainer described as “journalistically exceptional.” By contrast, the next course was a six-week programme in Qatar for newcomers to the industry who were given a thorough grounding in all aspects of producing and filming a television story. The aim was to inspire participants as well as giving them a balance of theory and practice. In the words of the lead trainer, the idea was not just to “fill the pot” (of their knowledge) but to “light the fire.” Thomson Foundation’s provision of experienced practitioners and trainers of high calibre for Al Jazeera courses has played an important part in “lighting the fire” for hundreds of journalists. A good role model is a crucial motivator for newcomers to the profession, or those working in newsrooms where levels of experience and skill are limited. From those early days, the relationship between the training centre and the Thomson Foundation has evolved and flourished. In recent years, the foundation has provided around 20 workshops a year – not just for beneficiaries of Al Jazeera’s corporate social responsibility programmes but also for Al Jazeera staff in locations as diverse as


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