King's Business - 1966-10


Since 1908, Biola has been the Christian education center of the West. Over 15,000 former students are serving in places of spiritual leadership around the world, not only in the ministry but also in the business and professional society.

Sutherland Hall is the central educational structure on campus. It contains the 800 seat Ethel Lee Memorial Auditorium, 17 classrooms, and several faculty and administrative offices.

The Division o f Humanities at Biola College embraces the departments of English, Foreign Lan- * guage, Library Science, Linguistics, Philosophy, and Speech. Through the writings of such men as Plato and Ayer, and Sopho­ cles and Eliot a student of the humanities gains a critical insight into the knowledge of the world of men and ideas. Schools and Colleges. In addition, with accreditation through the ‘Collegiate Division of the Accrediting Association of Bible Col­ leges, Biola students receive from two to three times more Bible and doctrine than other comparable Christian liberal arts col­ leges require. Biola College is accredited with the Western Association of “

An effective and highly regarded professor, Dr. William Bass, Ph.D., University of Southorn California and B.D., Fullor Theological Seminary, is Chairman of tho Division of Humanitios and Professor of Philosophy.

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L A M I R A D A , C A L I F O R N I A

Dedicated to the spiritual development of the Christian home T h e K in g * © B u s i n e s s A PUBLICATION OF BIOLA SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES Louis T. Talbot, Chancellor • S. H. Sutherland, President • Ray A. Myers, Board Chairman Vol. 57, No. 10 • OCTOBER, in the year of our Lord 1966 • Established 1910 A r t i c l e s LOOKING FOR A JESUS MEETING — Vance Havner ....................... 10 CHAPLA IN ; M A Y I TA LK W ITH YOU? ................................................ 15 WHEN JESUS RETURNS — Gordon Chilvers ........................................ 16 BEHIND BARS: IS THERE HOPE? — Betty Bruchert .......................... 18 GOD-GIVEN MEN — James McConkey ................... 21 WHEN OUR BOYS WERE A T HOME — Mrs. Vance H. Webster .. 23 A N Y OLD BUSH W ILL DO — Major Ian Thomas .............................. 25 A STRANGE LETTER ...................................................... 28 GROWING OLDER? ...................................................................................... 35 WMBI COMPLETES 40 YEARS OF GOSPEL BROADCASTING — Joe Musser ......................................................................................... 38 DEVELOPING TH E SOCIAL COURTESIES — Gertrude Nystrom ...... 46 F e a t u r e s MESSAGE FROM TH E EDITOR — Samuel H. Sutherland .................. 6 OVER A CUP OF COFFEE — Joyce Landorf ........................................... 8 SCIENCE AND TH E BIBLE — Bolton Davidheiser .............................. 30 BOOK REVIEWS — Arnold D. Ehlert .................................................... 31 DR. TALBO T'S QUESTION BOX — Louis T . Talbot .......................... 32 TA LK IN G IT OVER — Clyde M . Narramore ........................................ 34 CULTS CRITIQUE — Betty Bruechert .................................................... 36 CHRISTIAN WORKERS CLIN IC — Chester Larson .......................... 44 C o l u m n s PEOPLE IN TH E NEWS .............................................................................. 4 READER REACTION ................................................ 13 PRESENTING TH E MESSAGE ................................................................... 33 JUN IOR KING'S BUSINESS ........................................................................ 49 C o v e r The lovely autumn scene on this month's KING'S BUSINESS cover is taken at Blue Mountain Lake, New York, and furnished by Luoma Photos of Weirton, West Virginia. — All Rights Reserved — __________________________


THY YOUTH —Ecclesiastes 12.1

S. H. SUTHERLAND: Editor AL SANDERS: Managing Editor BETTY BRUECHERT: Copy Editor BILL EHMANN: Coordinator


JANE M. CLARK: Circulation Manager

VIRGINIA LUBER: Production Manager EDITORIAL BOARD: William Bynum, Bolton Davidheiser, Arnold D. Ehlert, Charles L. Feinberg, James O. Henry, Martha S. Hooker MEMBER EVANGELICAL PRESS ASSOCIATION

ADVERTISING — for information address the Advertising Manager, The King's Business, 13800 Biola Ave., La Mirada, California 90638. MANUSCRIPTS — "The King's Business" cannot accept responsibility for loss or damage to manuscripts mailed to us for consideration. Second-class postage paid in La Mirada, Calif. Additional entry offjces in Los Angeles, California. Printed in U.S.A. by Church Press, Glendale, California. ADDRESS: Tne King's Business, 13800 Biola Ave., La Mirada, California 90638

SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION — "The King's Business" is published monthly. U.S., its possessions, and Canada, $3.00 one year; $1.50 six months, 30 cents, single copy. Clubs of three or more at special rates. Write for details. Foreign subscription 75 cents extra. It requires one month for a change of address to become effective. Please send both old and new addresses. REMITTANCES — Should be made by bank draft, express, or post office money order payable to "The King's Business." OCTOBER, 1966

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People in the Afews

“ We were never intended to have a simultaneous concern fo r all the countries in the world. We’re not big enough to carry the missionary concerns o f the entire world on our shoulders. Proof o f this is in your church. Only a small handful have any real interest in foreign mis­ sions.” It was suggested that a dif­ ferent approach to mission prayers and attention be taken, with Chris­ tians “ adopting” a country o f their own and then concentrating individ­ ually on its missionary problems, its successes and triumphs. Dr. Vernon Mortenson, general direc­ tor of The Evangelical Alliance Mis­ sion, has announced the move o f the home offices o f TEAM from Chicago to Wheaton, Illinois. The newly-oc­ cupied office building contains 20,- 000 feet o f floor space and accom­ modates 60 staff members. This al­ lows for further growth in the So­ ciety which now has 870 mission­ aries serving in twenty countries. A three-story 16-unit apartment build­ ing for missionaries on furlough and a 15-unit building fo r staff members have also been constructed as a part o f the headquarters complex located at 2500 North Main Street, P.O. Box 969, Wheaton, Illinois. Dr. Billy Graham is pictured below, addressing more than 300 people in an early morning breakfast that made up a “ cross section of public

Dr. Clarence Bidden o f Limerick, Pa., recently was featured speaker at a One-Day Religious Retreat in the First AIT Brigade Chapel, Fort Dix, New Jersey. Under the direction of Brigade Chaplain (Major) Homer G. Benton, the retreat emphasized the


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theme, “ Go and Bear Fruit,” by means o f m e ssage s, d is c u s s io n groups, films and question periods. During the day’s program, 31 o f the 89 servicemen in attendance came to a knowledge o f the Lord Jesus Christ, and others made decisions of dedication. Pictured above are Col. C. J. Molloy (le ft), Dr. bidden, and Chaplain Benton. Alfred D. Sandoval, assistant profes­ sor o f Christian Education at West­ ern Baptist Seminary, Portland, Ore­ gon, went home to be with the Lord on July 15, in Denver, Colorado. A graduate of Biola College and Talbot Theological Seminary, Mr. Sandoval also served as Christian Education Director at Lents Baptist Church in Portland. He is survived by his wife and three daughters, 15, 13, and 11. Dr. C. Mervin Russell, president of World Gospel Crusades, has an­ nounced the forming o f a new de­ partment, World Youth Crusades. Merging with TRI-C, a vigorous youth evangelistic ministry on the West Coast, WYC will be directed by Larry Keyes, a student from Biola College, La Mirada, California. The organization has developed a pro­ gram o f evangelistic crusades, Chris­ tian camps, a correspondence course, campus Christian clubs for junior and senior high and college youth, and a Campus Christian Clubhouse active on Muscle Beach, Santa Moni­ ca, California. Edward A . Lacy, a technical editor at Cape Kennedy, Florida, has urged United States Christians to stop praying for the whole world. The surprising views were presented in the July issues o f World Vision magazine, in which Mr. Lacy stated,

American Bible Society Annuities help you invest in Christian purpose ■ Unchanging income that can’t run out—may even include a survivor ■ Newhigher rates—up to 8% depend­ ing on present age ■ Generous tax deductions—no legal fees—no re-investment worries ■ Check mailed to you regularly —no coupons to clip ■ The satisfaction of helping to pro­ vide The Bible inmore than 490 lan­ guages and dialects to the peoples of the world Enjoy the spiritual satisfaction of con­ tinuing theMaster’s work by having an active part in the 150thAnniversary of the American Bible Society—the “Year of The Bible.” Annuity payments have been made by the Society without fail every year since 1843. 1816 ■ 150th Anniversary ■ 1966 440 Park Ave. So., N.Y., N.Y. 10016 Please send me without obligation new annuity rates and free booklet nA Gift that Lives.” Nnm» Address. City— — ____________________________________ Stole,. .. , , . , Zlp ___________ Dote ot Birth_________________________________ Month Day Year I do □ do not □ have an A.B.S. Annuity American Bible Society KB-106

life in England.” About 150 mem­ bers o f the House o f Parliament were present at the meeting in a fashionable London hotel, after rush­ ing across the city from an all-night meeting in the House o f Commons. Dr. Stephen F. Olford, pastor o f Cal­ vary Baptist Church, New York, re­ cently addressed the delegation at the National Sunday School Conven­ tion held in Boston. The 21st An­ nual Convention drew some 7,000 people from over the United States and Canada as well as foreign coun­ tries. More than fifty denominations were represented at the conclave held



in the new War Memorial Auditori­ um in the Prudential Center. Dr. Abe VanDerPuy, president o f the World Radio Missionary Fellowship, recently announced that WRMF is increasing the number o f its French and Italian Gospel broadcasts to the continent o f Europe as a result of the vital concern fo r Europe as a “ most needy mission field o f mil­ lions.” Arrangements made with Trans-World Radio in Monaco will include the WRMF programs in their late evening schedule, well re­ ceived over the facilities o f a 400,000 watt transmitter. Mr. Odd Carlsen o f Wheaton, Illinois recently joined the staff o f Short


Terms A b r o a d , thu s accelerating t h e organizations dynamic outreach. Former president o f TV Time Foods and then Adminis­ tr a t iv e Secretary o f the Greater Eu­ rope Mission, Mr. Carlsen h a s a s ­ sumed the position One o f the first to go abroad through the efforts o f STA is Marsha Worley of Lancaster, P e n n ­ s y l v a n i a . Miss Worley will serve as secretary in the h o s p ita l operated by The Evangeli­ cal Alliance Mis­ sion in Maasveld,


Mr. Carlson

o f Assistant Director and as such will represent STA on campus across the nation. Short Term Abroad is a service agency co-operat­ ing with about 100 mission boards.

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Miss Worley

South Africa. Those interested in further information may write STA, 129 North Main Street, Wheaton, Illinois 60187. Dr. Suhail Zarifa, an Arab who was bom and reared in the Gaza Strip between Israel and Egypt, arrived in Liberia, West A frica recently as a missionary with Radio Station ELWA. Dr. Zarifa was converted in his home town through Baptist mis­ sionary work and became a regular listener to ELWA. A fter qualifying as a dentist at the University of Alexandria in Egypt, he returned to Gaza with United Nations and gov­ ernment health services, but with the hope that some day he could do more to reach his fellow-Arabs with the gospel. Dr. Zarifa applied to Sudan Interior Mission and, after Bible training at the Vancouver Bible In­ stitute, was accepted fo r .service at ELWA.

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a message from the editor


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What is Doctrine ?

Q n e o f t h e tragic aspects o f much contemporary preaching to­ day is its total lack o f doctrinal preaching. It is small wonder that today many o f the wise and good church members are drop­ ping out o f the well-known denominational churches. Some go to other churches where they hear doctrinal preaching and alas, others find their way into the cults — those deviate systems o f religion. They make these changes not knowing fully what the church which they have left actually does believe, or what the sect to which they are going actually teaches. Becoming enamored with a personality, they go to hear him preach regardless o f what he presents. I f he is clever enough, his heterodox ideas will be delivered in such a manner that they will sound quite orthodox. Before the unwary individual realizes it, he becomes enmeshed in a false religion. These uninformed people are more to be pitied than condemned. It is the pastors o f the churches from which they have departed who should be condemned because they did not instruct their parishioners in the great doctrines o f the Word o f God, so that they might be thoroughly established in the truth, as it is found in the Bible. Unfortunately, the modern church speaks very lightly o f doctrine, as though it were something to be either ridiculed or avoided completely. It should be emphasized, however, that doc­ trine is absolutely essential to the proper understanding o f the Word o f God. It is absolutely essential also to one’s thinking about the great truths o f scripture. Doctrine has been defined correctly as simply orderly arrangement o f Bible truths. The Bible is not a book on doctrine, but it is filled with doctrinal truths. It is the responsibility o f the student o f the Word to discover these doctrinal truths for himself and to organize his own system o f belief, for doctrine is simply the stun total o f what one actually believes. Everyone has his doctrine concerning the person and work o f Jesus Christ. The modernist or liberal believes that Jesus Christ was merely a man; that He was not born o f the virgin Mary; THE KING'S BUSINESS





that He lived a good life here upon the earth; that He was cruci­ fied and died as a wonderful example o f what every man should do, if necessary, for the sake o f his ideals and beliefs. In other words, He died merely as a noble example; He was buried and His body remains dead even to this day; and it is the spirit o f Jesus or His influence that lingers on in the world. This is used in the same way in which we speak o f "the spirit o f ’76” — no more and no less. That is the liberal’s doctrine concerning the person and work o f Jesus Christ. The conservative, or Bible-believing Christian, on the other hand, also has his doctrine concerning the person and work o f Jesus Christ. Briefly it is this: that Christ was born o f the virgin Mary; He lived a sinless life; He went about declaring wonderful truths and performing mighty deeds which we call miracles. Finally, He was put to death on Calvary’s Cross as an atonement for sin; He died as our substitute so that we through faith in Him might not perish, but have everlasting life; He was buried; the third day He rose again from the dead, and He lives forevermore. That is the Bible-believing Christian’s doctrine concerning the person and work o f Jesus Christ. The modernist’s doctrine is not based upon the Word o f God at all, but upon the reasoning o f mere human beings. The liberal believes what is reasonable to him. What is not acceptable, or what he does not understand, he rejects, but he has his doctrine. We believe all the Bible teaches concerning the great truths that it contains . . . "the whole counsel o f God,” the full revela­ tion o f Himself. We have our doctrine o f God the Trinity (Fa­ ther, Son and Holy Spirit); the doctrine o f man, his origin, his fall and his future destiny through faith in Jesus Christ and the future destiny o f unregenerate man; the doctrine o f the inspira­ tion o f scripture; the doctrine o f Satan, angelology, and demon­ ology; the doctrine o f the church; the doctrine o f eschatology, or last things. When one puts all o f these doctrines together in an orderly arrangement, his system o f belief becomes what is known as a creed. To say that one is not interested in doctrine is simply to admit either that he refuses to think or that he is mentally in­ capable o f thinking logically on any subject. Someone has well said that doctrine is the root, the Christian life is the fruit. A person cannot live a life that is acceptable to God, unless he has the foundation in his thinking, for out o f these roots come the very issues o f life itself. Sometimes doctrinal teaching and doctrinal preaching can be rather dull and uninteresting, but it is up to the preacher or teacher to take these great truths and make them live in the minds o f their hearers, helping them to understand the extremely vital part that the doctrines play in one’s Christian life; in help­ ing them to understand that these truths which are found in the Word o f God are God-inspired, God-breathed, God-given; that they are eternally true and that men’s lives should be guided and governed by them to the glory o f God. (continued on page 15)

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W ITCH KIND OF A MOTHER? T WO little BOYS were trying on Halloween masks at the grocery store. One suggested that the other be a witch as he held up a witch’s mask. The other boy looked at it and then matter-of-factly said, “ Oh no, it looks just like my mother! I don’t want to be a witch.” By now I was dying to see what “ mother” looked like, but as I peered around the counter, I was puzzled to find she was a pretty, blue-eyed blonde, petite and young. Standing behind her at the check-out counter, however, I discovered the boy was right; she did look like a witch. She yelled and threatened the boys, jerked their hands from the gum rack, shook their teeth loose twice, and looked so much like a witch I fully expected her to climb on her broom and fly away. On the way home, I thought of my own relationship to our children. When I brush Laurie’s hair, is it done in a rough, jerking manner? When I discipline Rick, is it out of love or impatience ? When I ask for something to be done, is it a request or an angry command? The young mother I had been watching was full o f her own tensions, griefs, irrita­ tions and the boys were bearing the brunt o f it. “ Do I look like a witch to my children?” I thought. Dr. Henry R. Brandt wrote in Six Talks on Family Living: “ It is per­ fectly normal for a little child who can sometimes get more comfort out o f his little teddy bear than he can get out of his tense, anxious mother. She holds him with her tense mus­ cles. She is sighing and fidgeting around as she holds her child. Some­ times it is a great relief to the child when his tense, anxious, unhappy mother lays him down so he can wrap his arms around his soft, warm, stable teddy bear.” What we say to our children is im­ portant, but how we act and even touch them, is equally important. Am I gentle or tense? Relaxed or anx­ ious? Certainly as a mother I need to go to the very center o f peace, the heart o f God, in prayer. Peter Mar­ shall once prayed, “ We are too Christian really to en­ joy sinning and too fond o f sinning really to enjoy Christianity. Most of us know perfectly well what we ought to do; our trouble is that we do not want to do it. Thy help is our only hope. Make us want to do what is right, and give us the ability to do it. In the name o f Christ our Lord, Amen.”

O v e r ^ Gito O J



Combine before church

Did you say? Nay, only Heaven-sped; Just safe in God's Home-port They are not dead! "Lost"! Did you think? How can such lives be lost? Just gather up; His jewels, rare of cost! "Gone"! Nay, Just waiting on God's shore-line The Coming of life-vessels Yours and mine.

1 jar of "Cheese W h iz" Vi cup of mayonnaise 1 small can of chopped olives 3 or 4 strips of bacon that has been fried and broken into tiny pieces Spread on Split hamburger buns or English muffins Broil Open faced until brown and bubbly. Grow old along with me! The best is yet to be, The last o f life, for which the first was made: Our times are in His hand Who saith, “ A whole I planned, Youth shows but half; trust God: see all, nor be a fraid !” —Robert Browning 1812-1889

God longs to make us His instruments of comfort and encouragement, but He cannot until we are able to enter sym­ pathetically into the deep distress of oth­ ers. We Christians are often poor listeners. We need to cultivate the art of listening . . . not only to God, but to others. It is often so much easier to use our mouths than our ears. Because we know so little of real mental discipline, we find it extremely difficult to concentrate on the thoughts of others. God will give us discernment as we pray for a listening heart. He can keep us from doling out the same stock answers to everyone who knocks at our door. He can teach us when to advise, when to sym­ pathize, when to admonish, and when to keep perfectly still! God can use us most effectively as we allow Him to teach us to LISTEN with sensitive ears and a com­ passionate heart. by Ruth Calkin Young people are invited to send in questions to Mrs. Ruth Calkins. THE KING'S BUSINESS


TH O U G H T FOR TO D A Y Do I listen to my friend Who has a need to share. Or am I too self-occupied To genuinely care?

Bear ye one another's burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ (Gal. 6:2).


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THIS CHECK IS WORTH *15’ WHEN USED TO ORDER ANY ALBUMS ON THIS PAGE!! Now Bring a Treasury of Christian Music Into Your Home

212. Walking With The Lord — Bill Mann: The Lord’s Prayer, Not A Sparrow, and more.

122. In Session — The Melody Four Quartet: Go Down Moses, Heaven Came Down, many others.

248. Enchanting Ko­ rean Orphan Choir - The Lord's Prayer, Happy Wanderer, plus 14 more.

38. Over The Sun­ set Mountain — Bill Pearce and Dick Anthony sing: God is Love, others.

214. Resplendent Them es— Paul Mickel- son: Sweet Hour of Prayer and others. mt a«*# mm sms [ Don Hustad sTedd Smith

135. Old Tim e Re­ ligion — Bob Daniels: I'll Fly Away, There Is A Great Day Coming, others.

246. Shipm ates of Song — Haven Of Rest Quartet: It Took A Miracle, Shine For Jesus, and more.

28. Hymns of Fanny Crosby — Les Barnett, organ: Tell Me the Story of Jesus, many others.

217. Billy Graham Crusade Echoes with Don Hustad & Tedd Smith • 12 hymns.

231. Sing A Song A long— Cam Floria and the Continentals Sing: 0 Purify My Life, and others.

163. Songs Of The Sawdust Trail - Alan McGill sings: Brighten The Corner, II more.

3 4 2 .1Love T o Tell The Story - Jerome Hines: 0 For A Thousand Tongues, and more.

243. Great Moments Of Sacred Music— Jerome Hines,The Lord's Prayer, and 11 others.

350. The Addicts Sing— We've Come This Far By Faith, I Asked The Lord, I Believe, and more.

150 . A V isit With S tu art H am blen — The most outstanding composer of gospel songs.

149. “ This I Leave Y ou... with affection” by John Charles Thomas. 15 favorite hymns.

126. Symphony in Brass— The Salvation Army, N.Y. Staff Band and Male Chorus.

283. Old Fashioned Revival Hour Quartet Higher Ground, I’m On The Battlefield, more.

223. Faith Unlocks TheDoor Jim Roberts star tenor. JustA Closer Walk With Thee,others.

133. Music To Live By- Lorin Whitney Pipe Organ: Art Thou Weary, Only Trust Him, 12 in all.

What A Friend, Blessed Assurance, others.

35. Songs From the Heart — Frank Boggs: The Old Rugged Cross, Then Jesus Came, more.

284. Happy Jubi­ lee — Revivaltime Choir sings I Cannot Fail The Lord, many more.

155. Gloria R oe In Person — Accompanied by Kurt Kaiser and Orch.

177. Singing Togeth- er-Mary Jayne & Polly, A Place That I Know, Since I Believed, more.

159. In Times Like These— J. T. Adams tenor, Chapel Bells, But This I Know, plus 10.

152.102 Strings- directed by Ralph Car­ michael :My Friend And I, Heaven In My Heart, etc.

367. Marching On — Salvation Army Band & Chorus: March From The 6th Symphony, and more.

242.Shall We Gather At The River? - Burl Ives sings' Bringing In The Sheaves, Lily Of The Valley, 14 hymns in all.

158. How GreatThou Art-The White Sisters sing: I Am Not Worthy, TheHavenOfRest, When I Remember,9 more.

114. Ivory Palaces — Lew Charles at NBC Pipe Organ, background for meditation and prayer: Beyond the Sunset, more.

139.Sacred Hawai­ ian M elodies— Bud Tutmarc on steel guitar, organ background. 12 in­ spired hymns.

281. Chapel Bells — Mary Jayne sings: Peace In The Valley, Down By The Riverside, and 8 more.

151. The Birds Sing His Praise— A com­ bination of bird voices with Lorin Whitney at the organ.

115. Two Sermons by Billy Graham — The Cross of Christ and The Frontiers of Tomor­ row.



How will they hear UNLESS SOMEONE IS SENT! Arctic Missions has pioneered in per­ son-to-person evangelism in ALASKA since 1951. It has “sent” 57 mission­ aries to present Christ in 20 centers through Bible Conferences, Gospel team evangelism, Vacation Bible Schools and camps, a Christian High School and a native Bible Institute. Sound-Color Film Gives Details A 16 mm. sound-color film available on offering basis tells the wonderful story of this work of God in Alaska. For details, Arctic News, and litera­ ture mail coupon.

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F or m a n y y e a r s I have gone up and down America preach­ ing in hundreds of churches. I have been disturbed and dis­ tressed at a condition which most people do not seem to notice or else accept as normal. I have been in stiff services, a form, a facade of godliness without power. I have been in churches where with maximum efficiency they were meeting quotas and raising budg- tes but where I went out with a hungry heart. I have been in high-pressure gatherings where some peppy enthusiast worked like a cheer-leader at a ball game to create an evangelistic epilepsy and I went out exhausted. I have been in assemblies of extreme fundamentalists where a harsh and bitter spirit prevailed and I came out mad or sad but not glad. Now in all these meetings there were, no doubt, some dear souls who worshipped God in spirit and in truth, who meant what they sang, who hid the Word in their hearts, who rejoiced with joy un­ speakable and full of glory. But only once in a blue moon do I get into a church where in the service as a whole I feel that we are hav­ ing an experience instead o f a performance. I am almost fright­ ened at the way we sing the hymns of the faith utterly uncon­

scious o f what we are singing. Recently I observed a congrega­ tion singing a hymn that was positively loaded with Gospel dy­ namite. I couldn’t help saying to myself, “ If these people knew what they were singing, they couldn’t possibly look like that. If it is not true in their experi­ ence, they should hang their heads in shame. If it is true, they should be shaking the rafters.” Again, I am disturbed at the way we hear the minister talk about the issues of eternity with less con­ cern than if he were discussing how to grow African violets. The unreality of it all leaves us feel­ ing that we have been to a show and, worse than that, we have been actors in a religious play and have come out none the bet­ ter but indeed all the worse, for if we hear these things and do them not we deceive ourselves. Our Lord used the figure of the play-actor in denouncing the false religionists of His day for that is what hypocrite means. Once in a while, however, I do find a gathering for which the brother was looking who said, “ I sure would like to get into one more good old Jesus meeting.” There is reverence but not for­ mality. The saints are neither in a stupor or a stew. They are not

ARCTIC MISSIONS _ Gresham, Oregon 97030, Box 512-A ( ) Send details on film

( ) Send “Arctic News” on work in Alaska | Name_____________________________________ __ Address___ _______________________ \ _______ I

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50 for $1.00 100 for $2.00 postpaid 1000 for $17.50 postpaid CHURCH PRESS Box 551 Glendale, Calif. 91209

H e lp S a v e a C h i ld from Starvation and for Service! began rescuing homeless boys Samuel c. Hsiao an Name____________________________________ i Address______________________________________________ » > _______________________ 50 years ago, Leslie Anglin , .



any preacher have to beseech such people to love and serve the Lord? Would such people sit silent in prayer meetings and hurry home to watch some TV clown? If they had what they profess, if they be­ lieved the hymns they sing, the Scriptures they recite, could they be content to enjoy such riches in a world of beggars ? Could they feast at the King’s table and throw a few scraps now and then to a world that has never heard the Good News? It has been said that no real revival will come untl Mr. Amen and Mr. Wet-eyes are in the con­ gregation. These two brethren have been absent from our con­ gregations for too long. Is not this sad state our lot today be­ cause we have left our first love and lost the joy of our salvation? The early church started with a little band of happy Christians eating their meat with gladness and singleness of heart. Nobody had to put on a drive to lure them to worship. They “ packed the pews” voluntarily. They wouldn’t have missed it for anything. They were a little colony o f heaven in a pagan world. The world could not understand such a fellowship. Ev­ ery time a revival breaks out, every time there is an outbreak of primitive Christianity, it fol­ lows that pattern. Later, the fire dies, the experience becomes a performance, the force becomes a farce. What is the secret of it? Not human enthusiasm, not organiza­ tion or mere loyalty to a party. Only the Holy Spirit can produce such Christians, such churches, such meetings. When we worship IN THE SPIRIT, when we sing IN THE SPIRIT, when men preach IN THE SPIRIT, when people have ears to hear what THE SPIRIT says, when we do not grieve nor quench THE SPIRIT, there the Acts of the Apostles comes alive again and first-century Christianity breaks out anew even in times like these. Some of us sure would like to find another “ good old Jesus meeting.”

primarily interested in filling out cards and tabulating statistics. Their creed is sound but there is enough meat on the skeleton that you see more than the bones. They are happy in the Lord, they love each other, they are pilgrims and strangers bound for a better country and they want others to join the band. They are not only right; they are radiant. They have not come to church to be amused but to stand amazed in the presence of Jesus the Naza- rene. The Word of God is precious to them and they need no whirl­ ing dervish with a songbook beg­ ging them to whoop it up for the Lord. Such a meeting becomes in­ creasingly rare in the Laodicean Christianity of America, rich, in­ creased with goods and needing nothing. One may still find it in smaller sects or in little churches across the railroad tracks. It can be found on mission fields or be­ hind the Iron Curtain, where it still means something to be a Christian. When it doesn’t cost much it doesn’t mean much. Once in a while some great church man­ ages by the grace o f God to pre­ serve it and all who love either the frolic or the funeral type of meeting go somewhere else. What appalls me is that most people do not seem to know the difference between the perform­ ance and the experience, the sha­ dow and the substance, the unreal and the real. Too many have the idea that going to church, sing­ ing hymns, hearing the minister and going home is all there is to it. Spiritual truths are no more real than fairy tales and Santa Claus. How many have actually known the burden of sin’s guilt and the joy of deliverance? How many really know that they are children of God, bom again to live forever? How many have been so transformed that the old life is to the new as night to day? Could any company of people really have all that and sit as life­ lessly as we do in church on Sun­ day? Would any song leader have to beg such people to sing? Would

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KB ENJOYED T he K ing ’ s B usiness is a fine maga­ zine. I believe it is even better with every issue. I start at the front and read right straight through, never skip­ ping about as I do in other magazines. I enjoy every page and paragraph to the fullest. May the Lord bless all of you who are responsible for this fine publication. Mrs. E. Weber, Caldwell, Idaho GOD-SEN D THE KING’S BUSINESS is literal­ ly a God-send. . . . I ponder spiritual problems, examine them from every angle, and pray for specific guidance before I step forward. Do you know that through THE KING’S BUSI­ NESS, Jesus has answered many of my prayers? Well, of course you didn’t until now, but truly, I am amazed at how God works. Suzy Sherman, Lafayette, Calif. COFFEE CUP Several times I have planned to send a note of appreciation for “ Over A Cup of Coffee.” It is so refreshing and the many “ little things” are so good. There are bits for the whole family, includ­ ing a recipe now and then. Thank you, also, for the excellent content of the whole magazine. Mrs. Burnice Holmes, Inglewood, Calif. PRAYER Many times I have read the little notice in THE KING’S BUSINESS, “ PRAYER” — We will pray for you and your need.” I believe that God hears and answers prayer, for I have proven His faithfulness many times as written in His Word. I have been in this land (Bogota, Colombia) 34 years, and I work among the poor. There are three stations and each has a native pastor and teacher. The Lord has blessed us with groups of Christians and their children are in school. After much prayer, it was possible to buy a lot; now we have started building. The foundations have been laid. I am asking you to please pray that the Lord will supply every need so we will not have to stop building. I am working alone with the natives, and I need your prayers. Eleanor Berchtold, Bogota, Colombia E ditor ’ s N ote : We encourage our lis­ teners to pray for this missionary in Colombia as well as for the other mis­ sionaries of the cross around the world who are holding high the banner of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Moon Hi (B -l) Age 8

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from the families. A thousand men to minister to means a thou­ sand family and personal prob­ lems. So here is another one. I motion to the lad to enter and take a seat, as I move over to sit on the side o f the bunk. Not much room in this stateroom converted to an office! The ship rolls vio­ lently and papers spew from the desk while the chair evasively slides a cross the desk. One should be adjusted to such con­ tinuous motion and be more care­ ful about loose gear. As we pick up the papers and close the desk, he says, “ Chap­ lain, I want to do what you asked me to do a few days ago.” Then it dawns on me. This boy was one of the 45 or so who had taken communion at today’s Protestant divine serv­ ice on the mess deck. I had ex­ plained the meaning of Christ’s sacrifice and how the communion should be not only a time of con­ templation of what Christ has done for us but also a time of dedication o f ourselves to be more like our Saviour. At our previous session this lad had told me that he had accepted Christ as his Saviour. It was then that I asked him about his purpose in life. That is when he seemed bothered. We should all be concerned about that question. Many live for wine, women and song. How do you get across to these that God has much more in store for Continued, on p. 37

C h a p l a i n , m a y I s e e y o u a m i n u t e ? ” I look up from my desk to see the sailor with an obviously con­ cerned expression on his face. Through my mind flashes the various problems a Chaplain may encounter with such an introduc­ tion. It could be that he is both­ ered by the fact that we are des­ tined for Viet Nam. It will be many months before we get back to the States. Perhaps he is even afraid that we might not get back. I remember talking with this lad before. There are about 280 men on a destroyer and when we have been out to sea for 22 days, a Chaplain has opportunity to talk with almost all of them, even to hearing the sordid stories of life punctuated with four-letter adjectives commonly used among Navy men. But this lad appears to be a fairly “ square” guy, probably about 19 years old. That is about the average age of all o f the men in the ships in my division. Many of these men have not graduated from high school. Some are just getting used to their first time away from home. Ship life really requires adjustment, for there is no privacy and very little space to call your own. There are those rightly concerned about leaving a pregnant girl friend back home; others are leaving a teen-aged bride. Then there are always the financial problems and the anxie­ ties o v e r extended separation



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