How will they hear UNLESS SOMEONE IS SENT! Arctic Missions has pioneered in per son-to-person evangelism in ALASKA since 1951. It has “sent” 57 mission aries to present Christ in 20 centers through Bible Conferences, Gospel team evangelism, Vacation Bible Schools and camps, a Christian High School and a native Bible Institute. Sound-Color Film Gives Details A 16 mm. sound-color film available on offering basis tells the wonderful story of this work of God in Alaska. For details, Arctic News, and litera ture mail coupon.
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F or m a n y y e a r s I have gone up and down America preach ing in hundreds of churches. I have been disturbed and dis tressed at a condition which most people do not seem to notice or else accept as normal. I have been in stiff services, a form, a facade of godliness without power. I have been in churches where with maximum efficiency they were meeting quotas and raising budg- tes but where I went out with a hungry heart. I have been in high-pressure gatherings where some peppy enthusiast worked like a cheer-leader at a ball game to create an evangelistic epilepsy and I went out exhausted. I have been in assemblies of extreme fundamentalists where a harsh and bitter spirit prevailed and I came out mad or sad but not glad. Now in all these meetings there were, no doubt, some dear souls who worshipped God in spirit and in truth, who meant what they sang, who hid the Word in their hearts, who rejoiced with joy un speakable and full of glory. But only once in a blue moon do I get into a church where in the service as a whole I feel that we are hav ing an experience instead o f a performance. I am almost fright ened at the way we sing the hymns of the faith utterly uncon
scious o f what we are singing. Recently I observed a congrega tion singing a hymn that was positively loaded with Gospel dy namite. I couldn’t help saying to myself, “ If these people knew what they were singing, they couldn’t possibly look like that. If it is not true in their experi ence, they should hang their heads in shame. If it is true, they should be shaking the rafters.” Again, I am disturbed at the way we hear the minister talk about the issues of eternity with less con cern than if he were discussing how to grow African violets. The unreality of it all leaves us feel ing that we have been to a show and, worse than that, we have been actors in a religious play and have come out none the bet ter but indeed all the worse, for if we hear these things and do them not we deceive ourselves. Our Lord used the figure of the play-actor in denouncing the false religionists of His day for that is what hypocrite means. Once in a while, however, I do find a gathering for which the brother was looking who said, “ I sure would like to get into one more good old Jesus meeting.” There is reverence but not for mality. The saints are neither in a stupor or a stew. They are not
ARCTIC MISSIONS _ Gresham, Oregon 97030, Box 512-A ( ) Send details on film
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R ea ch C h i ld re n ! 6 pages — 3 colors
50 for $1.00 100 for $2.00 postpaid 1000 for $17.50 postpaid CHURCH PRESS Box 551 Glendale, Calif. 91209
H e lp S a v e a C h i ld from Starvation and for Service! began rescuing homeless boys Samuel c. Hsiao an
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