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TO . . . 1. Earing Holy Land 2. Summer Holy Land 3. Europe
by Arnold D. Ehlert, Librarian, Biola College
4. South America 5. Scenic America 6. Fall Holy Land > Write today lor
Archaeology and Our Old Testament Contemporaries by James Kelso A fresh look at ancient times and affairs is at the same time interest ing and instructive. Dr. Kelso has spent many years in the study o f archaeology, has excavated exten sively in Palestine, and has taught fo r many years in Pittsburgh Theo logical Seminary. He takes the bare facts and artifacts o f antiquity and weaves them into a meaningful in terpretation o f life and civilization. Abraham, fo r instance, is discovered to have been a “ ‘merchant prince’ whose sales territory reached from Haran to Egypt.” He had his own mercenary troops. This is not a full treatment o f Old Testament archae ology but is limited to its contri bution to the chief characters. As such, it makes a unique contribution to our understanding of the context o f the lives o f these ancient men, whose biographies, as Kelso says, are really theological, but which need to be studied also from other angles. This book is illustrated with photographs and there is a brief in dex.—-191 pages; cloth; Zondervan Publishing House, Grand Rapids; $4.95. The well-known author o f mission ary biographies has presented four abridged stories concerning Jona than Edwards, famous preacher of the Great Awakening; Gilbert Ten- nent, leader o f the Great Awaken ing; David Brainard, a missionary to the Indians; and John Wither spoon, patriot and signer o f the Declaration o f Independence. What better time for a presentation o f the spiritual foundations o f our nation so that we may see clearly the way in which the Lord has led? — 255 pages, J. B. Lippincott Co., Phila delphia and New York; $4.95. Mind and Heart by Ronald A . Ward The author sets out in this book “ to give an outline o f the main Christian doctrines with a certain lightness o f touch and with warmth o f Christian experience.” Starting OCTOBER, 1966 Heroic Colonial Christians edited, by Russell T. Hitt
with a chapter on the Word o f God, all o f the major areas o f theology are systematically unfolded in a happy combination o f solid doctrinal teaching and warm personal appli cation. Especially heartening is the way Dr. Ward makes the historic doctrines o f the Scriptures relevant to the present scene. No apology is made fo r taking a stand firmly root ed in the Word o f God and a belief in the God “ outside the order o f na ture as well as inside” in opposi tion to the egotistical thinking of autonomous man. The study of doctrine is made in teresting and vital in these biblical studies. More o f this type is des perately needed by the church today both written and preached. — 144 pages; cloth; Baker Book House, Grand Rapids; $3.95. Reviewed by Robert L. Saucy. Aflame for God by David B. Woodward This biography o f Fredrik Fran- son was written by a man who has served three and a half terms under the same mission Franson founded, The Evangelical Alliance Mission. The book is important not only as a chronicle in missionary work, rep resenting both elementary pioneer work and thoroughly organized so ciety endeavor, but also as a contri bution to church history. Franson was an important figure in the de velopment o f the Free Church move ment. He was imprisoned in Den mark, imprisoned in Germany where he took advantage of the situation to learn the German language, and used it fo r evangelization purposes when released. He led a motley band of missionaries to China. Always pro ceeding in the face o f opposition and criticism, he paid a high personal price fo r the contribution he made, but this book, in a small way, will help to discharge the obligation that the evangelical world owes him.— 190 pages; cloth; Moody Press, Chi cago; $3.50. Recommended books are avail able from the Biola Book Room, 560 South Hope Street, Los An geles; and on the La Mirada Cam pus, 13800 Biola Avenue. Handy mail order service is also available. Free descriptive books and record catalog will be sent upon request.
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