King's Business - 1966-10

ing Christian service, the Insti­ tute felt the need many years ago to provide training to these young people. Help was needed to bridge the widening gap the mission fields experienced following the advent o f aviation and radio to the m iss ionary situation. The school began training young men in both aviation and radio, with WMBI, of course, helping to train these missionary candidates in radio techniques.” John Stofa, writing for Omni­ bus magazine, in a January (1966) article about Chicago FM radio, said, “One of the better sig­ nals on our FM dial comes from the highly professional, tastefully managed WMBI-FM, whose re­ ligious broadcasting should serve to set a standard for its type.” This apparently is already so. WMBI has had a definite influ­ ence on religious broadcasting. A San Francisco newspaper de­ scribed the format of KEAR as patterned after the Moody Bible Institute facility in Chicago. Sta­ tions in all parts of the U.S. offer similar formats. There were, at last count, 173 rad io s ta tions in the United States either owned or controlled by Christian gospel broadcasters. WMBI’s influence on many of them is evidenced in the number of “ alumni” staffing these sta­ tions. A1 Sanders and Roger Booth, both in Biola radio, are formerly of WMBI. Neal Doty, a WMBI producer, helped in mak­ ing “ Sunday Nite Sing” a popu­ lar Chicago after-church activity. When he answered a call to be­ come Christian Education Direc­ tor of the Redwood Chapel in Cas­ tro Valley, California, Doty inau­ gurated a “West Coast” edition of “ The Sing.” It is broadcast by a San Francisco gospel broadcast­ ing outlet. Scores of MBI m i s s i ona ry graduates and former employees are now active in religious broad­ casting l i t e r a l l y around the globe. HCJB in Quito, Ecuador; HLKX, Korea, and ELWA, Mon­ rovia, Liberia, Africa, are just a


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