few examples. In addition, the In stitute’s radio technical course has supplied radio personnel to stateside broadcasters as well, Mr. Christensen explained. It was 26 yea rs ago when WMBI first started in the field of radio drama. Two programs were originated: “Miracles and Melo dies” and “ Sketch in Mono logue.” When network radio dis covered housewives were addicted to the “ soap opera,” WMBI of fered “Number Nine Elm Street,” a daily dramatic series. The established “ Stor ies of Great Christians” series was be gun twenty years ago. Radio ac tors Miron Can ad ay and Rex Brenner, charter members of the “ Stories” cast, recall the daily features were done “ live” during these golden years of radio drama.. This vehicle is still an important feature to WMBI listeners. “Tele vision killed drama for radio, the ‘experts’ said during the ’50’s, yet WMBI found the medium suc cessful and we saw no reason to d iscont inue dramatic produc tion,” commented James Draper, Director of Broadcasting for Moody Bible Institute. “Today, radio drama is being revived by local and network radio but the producers find little progress was made in the field when it was discontinued in the fifties. However, WMBI is enjoying the benefits of having stuck it out.” During the years when networks and other stations ignored radio drama, WMBI kept busy at im proving it. Its writing, produc tion techniques, sound and acting are possibly the highest in the in dustry. Although fictionalized drama is a WMBI distinctive, the real life drama o f its audience is even more compelling. Letters come from shut-ins, alcoholics, minis ters, teenagers, and people from just about every walk of life who testify that WMBI helped them in some dramatic way. An example is the story o f Pat W. (Chicago) who accidentally Continued on p. U5
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