King's Business - 1966-10

(continued from page 43) tuned in Bill Pearce’s “ Night- watch” and heard Bill explain how difficult problems in life could be solved through faith in Jesus Christ. She contacted the station and subsequently became a Christian. She’s now enrolled in a Bible School, training for fu­ ture Christian service. There are some letters from persons who gratefully acknow ledge that WMBI averted suicides. “Every family or person listening has a story to tell and a need to be met,” says Draper. “ And because radio is a medium that goes where the listener is, there’s al­ ways an element of drama. We’re always glad to hear from them.” All letters are taken seriously at WMBI. WMBI had its first “Letter Week,” inviting listeners to react to the station’s program­ ming, in January, 1929. More than five thousand persons re­ sponded. This year, WMBI count­ ed nearly 30,000 letters as a re­ sult of “Letter Week, 1966.” Surveys are important to radio stations. Letters which come in have been sorted, read, and noted so that the listener’s comments are recorded. A complete report is then made as to listener likes and dislikes to help the station’s management plan fu tu re pro­ gramming. Ratings arp the life-blood of many commercial stations and secular stations spare no expense —or personnel—to attain a posi­ tion among leaders in listener surveys. Yet, w ithout drastic switches in programming or for­ mat changes, WMBI has often been named in the “top ten” most-listened-to Chicago stations, and has ranked as high as third on some metropolitan surveys. There are 53 radio stations in Chicago. Although WMBI consistently ranks high with its listeners, it has gained favor with public service agencies as well down through the years. Public service programming is carried by all ra­ dio stations, but not all o f them

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