King's Business - 1966-10

fray out and break. The stake to which it was attached at the top might become loose. Part of the cliff itself might give way. But these things did not deter the brave fellow. He heeded them not. A man was in danger. Climb­ ing from the shore too adventur­ ously, he had reached a point where he could not ascend or de­ scend. He was on a narrow ledge of rock in great peril. If he be­ came exhausted or slept, he would probably roll off and be dashed upon the rocks below. His earnest cry was heard. His position of grave need was seen. The coast guards were informed, and procuring a long rope, one of their number made the descent. Happily he was in time and was enabled to save the exhausted man, both being hauled to the top amid the rejoicing of all who wit­ nessed the noble deed. Were you ever delivered from such danger? I was. I can say of One “who delivered me from so great a death” : I was in peril un­ utterable. I could in no wise de­ liver myself. But He came down to deliver. At infinite cost to Him­ self—veiling His g lo ry—becom­ ing in fashion as a man— “With pitying eye the Prince of peace Beheld my helpless grief; He saw, and oh ! amazing love, He flew to my relief.” Needless it is to say that the brave rescuer was thanked by the delivered man and applauded by all present. Have you thanked the Great Deliverer? Has your heart gone out in praise to Him Who, un­ asked by us, came to seek and to save the lost? Soon all heaven and earth shall acclaim His worthiness and chant His praise. But now it is the privi­ lege o f the saved ones to sing to the Saviour the first notes of the anthem of eternal thanksgiving. Can you sing the song as one of the redeemed? From “ Signposts on Life’s Way,” by In- glis Fleming.



H e w as SUCH a little fellow that the missionary just held out her arms and received his small sob­ bing body. In a quick turn she put him down on the floor o f the veranda and pulled a piece o f burlap up over him to hide him. Then she sat down on the rest o f the burlap. She could feel the heaving of the covered child behind her, and knew the sobbing could not be controlled by the tiny, frightened boy. His mother had died several years ago. He had lived in a deep forest in South America with his father. The father was a red man of the jungle forest, a wandering bronze­ skinned Indian. But he loved this little bronze son o f his and had named him Adrian. The father was as frightened now as was the little thumping heart of small Adrian. A strange plot was being carried out. The Indians in the forest place had no doctors or nurses, in fact no person who knew how to care fo r sick people. So the forest people, in their ignorance, did whatever the witch doctor told them to do. Some one up river was ill, and the witch doctor had to do something about it. He decided that the little Indian boy Adrian had an evil spirit in his body that was causing the man up the river to be sick. So Adrian must be tortured, made to suffer pain. Nine strong men were to torture little Adrian. The father of the boy was not a Christian, but he had been at the Christians’ camp many times. He decided that nothing could pos­ sibly save Adrian from the wicked men unless the missionary could do something for them. He hurried to the river and untied his dugout canoe. Taking the broad paddle into his strong hands, he sped down the river to take the boy to the mission station. The nine men got into their dugout canoe, too, and started down the big river after the other boat. It was a race fo r life, only there was no person to watch what was happen­ ing, fo r it was done secretly. The father arrived at the mission station just in time to push his small son into the arms of the mis­

sionary. Soon the nine men arrived, waving their bows and arrows, and muttering weird sounds as part of the cruel ceremony. The missionary lady could not hold back the nine killers, but she could pray! Sitting there on the bur­ lap, feeling the heaving o f the small body behind her, she prayed hard. She asked God to turn those yelling men away and not let them kill the red man’s little boy. Just then, in the jungle nearby, the men heard the sound o f large animals crashing through the fo r­ est. That was more important to them than torturing a boy. Imme­ diately a hunting party was formed and the men went after the big game. Adrian was safe. God had answered prayer. Because of the missionary’s faith and hope in God, the little boy’s life was saved. A few years later both Adrian and his father accepted the Lord Jesus as Saviour. Those who trust in Christ can depend on Him to take care of them all the time. Copyright by Gospel Light Publica­ tions. Used by permission.

A PUZZLE Can you go from LAND to GIVE in five moves changing one letter each time? 1. L A N D

2. .. 3. .. 4. .. 5. G V E 3 A 1 0 S 3 A 1 1 > 3 N 1 1 E 3 N V T - Z a N V 1 - l


THE DELIVERER R e g a r d l e s s of his own danger, a brave coast guard descended the face of an overhanging cliff. Showers of stones and pieces of rock might fall. The rope might



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