in the new War Memorial Auditori um in the Prudential Center. Dr. Abe VanDerPuy, president o f the World Radio Missionary Fellowship, recently announced that WRMF is increasing the number o f its French and Italian Gospel broadcasts to the continent o f Europe as a result of the vital concern fo r Europe as a “ most needy mission field o f mil lions.” Arrangements made with Trans-World Radio in Monaco will include the WRMF programs in their late evening schedule, well re ceived over the facilities o f a 400,000 watt transmitter. Mr. Odd Carlsen o f Wheaton, Illinois recently joined the staff o f Short
Terms A b r o a d , thu s accelerating t h e organizations dynamic outreach. Former president o f TV Time Foods and then Adminis tr a t iv e Secretary o f the Greater Eu rope Mission, Mr. Carlsen h a s a s sumed the position One o f the first to go abroad through the efforts o f STA is Marsha Worley of Lancaster, P e n n s y l v a n i a . Miss Worley will serve as secretary in the h o s p ita l operated by The Evangeli cal Alliance Mis sion in Maasveld,
Mr. Carlson
o f Assistant Director and as such will represent STA on campus across the nation. Short Term Abroad is a service agency co-operat ing with about 100 mission boards.
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Miss Worley
South Africa. Those interested in further information may write STA, 129 North Main Street, Wheaton, Illinois 60187. Dr. Suhail Zarifa, an Arab who was bom and reared in the Gaza Strip between Israel and Egypt, arrived in Liberia, West A frica recently as a missionary with Radio Station ELWA. Dr. Zarifa was converted in his home town through Baptist mis sionary work and became a regular listener to ELWA. A fter qualifying as a dentist at the University of Alexandria in Egypt, he returned to Gaza with United Nations and gov ernment health services, but with the hope that some day he could do more to reach his fellow-Arabs with the gospel. Dr. Zarifa applied to Sudan Interior Mission and, after Bible training at the Vancouver Bible In stitute, was accepted fo r .service at ELWA.
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