a message from the editor
What’s going on in AFR ICA ¿ v o i r ? Plenty! And the way to keep up with it all is AFRICA NOW. Fresh news reports, surveys, special fe a tu re s , m aps, pictures, stories— 16 authoritative pages acclaimed by teachers, pastors, mission and youth leaders everywhere. Free each quarter from the Sudan Interior Mission to encourage prayerful interest on be half of God's work in Africa. I am interested in praying for God's work in Africa. Ploase put mo on your mailing list for AFRICA NOW and othor SIM material without obligation. HAMS.... ADDRESS 23p MOODY’S SCOFIELD BIBLE CORRESPONDENCE COURSE PROVEN BIBLE STUDY Gives you a comprehensive knowledge of entire Bible . . . modem learning tech niques in adult study. Nine college cred its. Certificate awarded. Over 30,000 have i enrolled in Scofield course. 123 lessons in 6 cloth-bound textbooks. Please send me: □ Illustrated folder de scribing Scofield course. Q Catalog of 33 other courses. Name Address ___________________________________ City ------------------------------- Zone State _ ____ _ | | Moody Correspondence School 10KS6 I | 820 N. LaSalle Street, Chicago 10, III. | Every Sunday Folders N e w fu ll-co lo r 1967 BROCHURE NOW READY W* alto provide • MMwuak Bulletin, • Pm tm ilind Fold*re • Church Stufloner, • Promot-O-Ramo • Patter1! Calling Card* Sand for FREE Brochur» and Sampln. _____ SUDAN INTERIOR MISSION USA: 164 W 74th Straat, Now York, N.Y. 10023 CANADA: 405 Huron Strwot, Toronto 5, Ontario
What is Doctrine ?
Q n e o f t h e tragic aspects o f much contemporary preaching to day is its total lack o f doctrinal preaching. It is small wonder that today many o f the wise and good church members are drop ping out o f the well-known denominational churches. Some go to other churches where they hear doctrinal preaching and alas, others find their way into the cults — those deviate systems o f religion. They make these changes not knowing fully what the church which they have left actually does believe, or what the sect to which they are going actually teaches. Becoming enamored with a personality, they go to hear him preach regardless o f what he presents. I f he is clever enough, his heterodox ideas will be delivered in such a manner that they will sound quite orthodox. Before the unwary individual realizes it, he becomes enmeshed in a false religion. These uninformed people are more to be pitied than condemned. It is the pastors o f the churches from which they have departed who should be condemned because they did not instruct their parishioners in the great doctrines o f the Word o f God, so that they might be thoroughly established in the truth, as it is found in the Bible. Unfortunately, the modern church speaks very lightly o f doctrine, as though it were something to be either ridiculed or avoided completely. It should be emphasized, however, that doc trine is absolutely essential to the proper understanding o f the Word o f God. It is absolutely essential also to one’s thinking about the great truths o f scripture. Doctrine has been defined correctly as simply orderly arrangement o f Bible truths. The Bible is not a book on doctrine, but it is filled with doctrinal truths. It is the responsibility o f the student o f the Word to discover these doctrinal truths for himself and to organize his own system o f belief, for doctrine is simply the stun total o f what one actually believes. Everyone has his doctrine concerning the person and work o f Jesus Christ. The modernist or liberal believes that Jesus Christ was merely a man; that He was not born o f the virgin Mary; THE KING'S BUSINESS
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