! Family Record Club/W aco, Texas ■ I am enclosing the check voucher for $15.72 and I have listed: the five albums I want below, I under* ■ stand that, after 10:days time« I can return the I records, or pay $2.67 plus a small postage and hah* I tiling charge (retail value up to $24.90)* If I do hot ■ return the records. Til automatically become a . Z member of the Family Record Club and will buy 5 ■ albums of my choice (more than one hundred to I choose from) during the next 12 months at the regu* I tar low retail price ($3.98 for High Fidelity; $4.98 for Stereo) plus handling and postage. Thereafter, l get I one album FREE for each two 1buy. I Enroll me in the □ REGULAR HI-FI DIV. □ STEREO DIV.
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HERE’S ALL YOU DO t Choose the 5 albums you want from * the 35 albums below. 2 Fill out the coupon and mail today with the check voucher for $15.72. o When your 5 albums arrive, listen »7 to them for 10 days. If you decide to keep them as a perma nent part of your record library, the total cost for all five is only $2.67 and you become a regular member of the Family Record Club. If you return them after 10 days, all charges are cancelled.
THIS CHECK IS WORTH *15’ WHEN USED TO ORDER ANY ALBUMS ON THIS PAGE!! Now Bring a Treasury of Christian Music Into Your Home
212. Walking With The Lord — Bill Mann: The Lord’s Prayer, Not A Sparrow, and more.
122. In Session — The Melody Four Quartet: Go Down Moses, Heaven Came Down, many others.
248. Enchanting Ko rean Orphan Choir - The Lord's Prayer, Happy Wanderer, plus 14 more.
38. Over The Sun set Mountain — Bill Pearce and Dick Anthony sing: God is Love, others.
214. Resplendent Them es— Paul Mickel- son: Sweet Hour of Prayer and others. mt a«*# mm sms [ Don Hustad sTedd Smith
135. Old Tim e Re ligion — Bob Daniels: I'll Fly Away, There Is A Great Day Coming, others.
246. Shipm ates of Song — Haven Of Rest Quartet: It Took A Miracle, Shine For Jesus, and more.
28. Hymns of Fanny Crosby — Les Barnett, organ: Tell Me the Story of Jesus, many others.
217. Billy Graham Crusade Echoes with Don Hustad & Tedd Smith • 12 hymns.
231. Sing A Song A long— Cam Floria and the Continentals Sing: 0 Purify My Life, and others.
163. Songs Of The Sawdust Trail - Alan McGill sings: Brighten The Corner, II more.
3 4 2 .1Love T o Tell The Story - Jerome Hines: 0 For A Thousand Tongues, and more.
243. Great Moments Of Sacred Music— Jerome Hines,The Lord's Prayer, and 11 others.
350. The Addicts Sing— We've Come This Far By Faith, I Asked The Lord, I Believe, and more.
150 . A V isit With S tu art H am blen — The most outstanding composer of gospel songs.
149. “ This I Leave Y ou... with affection” by John Charles Thomas. 15 favorite hymns.
126. Symphony in Brass— The Salvation Army, N.Y. Staff Band and Male Chorus.
283. Old Fashioned Revival Hour Quartet Higher Ground, I’m On The Battlefield, more.
223. Faith Unlocks TheDoor Jim Roberts star tenor. JustA Closer Walk With Thee,others.
133. Music To Live By- Lorin Whitney Pipe Organ: Art Thou Weary, Only Trust Him, 12 in all.
What A Friend, Blessed Assurance, others.
35. Songs From the Heart — Frank Boggs: The Old Rugged Cross, Then Jesus Came, more.
284. Happy Jubi lee — Revivaltime Choir sings I Cannot Fail The Lord, many more.
155. Gloria R oe In Person — Accompanied by Kurt Kaiser and Orch.
177. Singing Togeth- er-Mary Jayne & Polly, A Place That I Know, Since I Believed, more.
159. In Times Like These— J. T. Adams tenor, Chapel Bells, But This I Know, plus 10.
152.102 Strings- directed by Ralph Car michael :My Friend And I, Heaven In My Heart, etc.
367. Marching On — Salvation Army Band & Chorus: March From The 6th Symphony, and more.
242.Shall We Gather At The River? - Burl Ives sings' Bringing In The Sheaves, Lily Of The Valley, 14 hymns in all.
158. How GreatThou Art-The White Sisters sing: I Am Not Worthy, TheHavenOfRest, When I Remember,9 more.
114. Ivory Palaces — Lew Charles at NBC Pipe Organ, background for meditation and prayer: Beyond the Sunset, more.
139.Sacred Hawai ian M elodies— Bud Tutmarc on steel guitar, organ background. 12 in spired hymns.
281. Chapel Bells — Mary Jayne sings: Peace In The Valley, Down By The Riverside, and 8 more.
151. The Birds Sing His Praise— A com bination of bird voices with Lorin Whitney at the organ.
115. Two Sermons by Billy Graham — The Cross of Christ and The Frontiers of Tomor row.
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