Rosemead Graduate School of Psychology Catalog: 1978-1980

tion of related psychological data to the work of the minister and pastoral counsel­ ing; 4) and the theory, research, and applied aspects of the family and interper­ sonal relationships within the Christian community. Each issue also provides reac­ tions to current or past Journal articles, reviews of the books from the fields of psychology and theology, and brief reviews of recent research studies of potential interest to the Journal's readership. Contributions to the Journal are sought from a wide range of those interested and involved at some level with the process of integration. It affords Rosemead students a distinct opportunity to publish articles of an integrative nature developed in the course of their studies.


Research is an integral part of Rosemead's overall program. Though the main thrust of our program is training professional helpers, such training must be firmly grounded in the science of psychology. The Ph.D. program has a strong emphasis on research with a program of academic and practical training culminating in the student's dissertation. The practical research experience involves 400 hours of re­ search activity under the supervision of the student's advisor during the first three years of the program. During this time the student gains experience in reviewing literature, conceptualizing problems, implementing research procedures, analyzing data, and writing reports. The main goal of the 400 hours of research is for the student to publish with his advisor at least one research paper which will serve as the basis for the student's independent dissertation research project. The Psy.D. program emphasizes the practical application of research results. Through course work and practice the student is given experiences which stress the need for scientific knowledge in professional practice. The focus of the Psy.D. dis­ sertation is the conceptualization and resolution of a problem of relevance to pro­ fessional psychology. It is intended that the problem chosen will grow out of the student's professional interests as he/ she proceeds through the program. Current faculty research interest includes the psychology of sex roles, religious behavior, marriage and the family, religious development, therapy process and outcomes, and personality theory. Computer facilities for research are available on campus utilizing a Hewlett Packard 3000 with 320K bytes of storage and off campus using the IBM 370/158-3 with 5 ,000K bytes of core at the University of Southern California. Rosemead has its own computer terminal, a GE Terminet 30 with dual magnetic cassettes and a 132 character printer, which can be used to access the HP 3000 or the IBM, 370 /158-3 for time sharing or remote job entry batch processing. Avariety of statistical packages are available including the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences and the Bio-Medical Computer Programs - Series P. Compilers for both basic and Fortran IV programming languages are also available.


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