Rosemead Graduate School of Psychology Catalog: 1978-1980


Consideration of research approaches to studying the process and outcomes of psychotherapy. Special emphasis is placed on measurement of process and out­ comes, design and execution of research, and status of psychotherapy research to date. Students actively involved in reviewing and evaluating psychotherapy re­ search in selected areas. Elective. Prerequisite: PSY 601 PSY 650 PSYCHOLOGICAL BIBLIOGRAPHY II (1) An advanced course aimed at acquainting the student with important bibliog­ raphies, indices, abstracts, and reference works needed for thorough doctoral re­ search. All Ph.D. candidates take this course as the first unit of dissertation re­ search. PSY 653 VOCATIONAL COUNSELING (3) A study of vocational development and vocational choice as a point of focus within the counseling relationship. Attention is given to the place of values clarification, personality and adjustment factors , measurement of aptitudes and interests, and decision-making skills in the counseling process. Assessment tools, information aids, and supportive community resources are also considered. Prerequisites: PSY 507, PSY 508 PSY 654 PROJECTIVE TECHNIQUES IN ASSESSMENT I (3) An introduction to the use of projective techniques in personality assessment with special emphasis on the administration, scoring and interpretation of the Rorschach. Elective. Prerequisites: PSY 507, PSY 508 PSY 655 PROJECTIVE TECHNIQUES IN ASSESSMENT II (3) Clinical application of the Rorschach TAT, HTP, MAPS, and other projective in­ struments. Limited enrollment. Elective. Prerequisites: PSY 654 PSY 690 PREPRACTICUM (2) Primary interpersonal skills and counseling techniques are assessed and facilitated prior to the student's first practicum field experience. Various training techniques are employed in a small group setting. These include empathy training, demonstra­ tions, and audio-video feedback. PSY 691 - 699 PRACTICUM (1-3) Individually supervised clinical experiences including diagnostic and therapeutic ac­ tivities with inpatient and outpatient clientele. Hospitals, private and public clinics, mental health organizations, schools and college counseling centers are utilized. PSY 691-694 are required for the Ph.D. and PSY 691-696 for the Psy.D. PSY 698 and PSY 699 are elective practica. Prerequisite: Successful completion of PSY 690 or approval of Professional Train­ ing Committee 44

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