Olney Central College 2023-24 Annual Report

Olney Central College

ABOVE: Jorri VanDyke is pictured with the IECC Board of Trustees.

“OCC is less than 3 minutes from my house, and I was impressed by the excellent science program here. Chemistry instructor Dr. (Aaron) Lineberry’s class has pushed me to be more focused and is challenging me.” OCC Advisor Jodi Schneider encouraged VanDyke to run for Student Trustee and believes she will do an outstanding job. “Jorri demonstrates leadership abilities inside and outside of the classroom,” Schneider said. “She has demonstrated her ambitions and strengths not only in academics, but also in many extracurriculars. As a repre - sentative of Olney Central College, I know Jorri will be a strong voice for our students, community and college district with her variety of experiences and insight.” VanDyke is the daughter of Jessica and Jamie VanDyke of Olney. 

ABOVE RIGHT: Jorri VanDyke (far right) assists the OCC Student Senate during Spring Fling.

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