Olney Central College 2023-24 Annual Report

Hoffmann Prairie revitalization project underway

I n the 1820s, 22 million acres of prairie land stretched across the state of Illinois. Today, less than 2,300 acres of high-quality prairie remain. The County Line Quail Forever Club is teaming up with Olney Central College to revitalize the James F. Hoffmann Memorial Prairie and ensure OCC’s native grassland site will thrive in the future. Since its formation in 2020, the County Line Quail Forever Club has been working on prairie restoration within Clay and Wayne counties with the goal of re- establishing quail habitat and halting their declining numbers. Those efforts have included assisting land - owners in returning fescue pastures to native plants and facilitating controlled burns.

“The Hoffmann Prairie is a rare gem and we’re really excited to be involved in its restoration.” Established in 1987 through a generous bequest by Jim Higgins in honor of his uncle, the James F. Hoffmann Memorial Prairie has served as an outdoor learning laboratory for students not only at OCC, but throughout Richland and surrounding counties. During his career at OCC, Burnett hosted numerous school groups who visited the site and assisted with annual plantings. The first steps in the Hoffmann Prairie revitalization effort began in Spring 2023 as Burnett assisted Fisher in identifying and eradicating invasive species, which have been overcrowding the native plants. Those efforts continued in February 2024 as Fisher, and fellow members of the County Line Quail Forever Club, conducted a controlled burn of the site to manage invasive species and aid in native plant propagation. 

As a Welding Professor at Olney Central College, County Line Quail Forever President, Maverick Fisher took a special interest in OCC’s prairie restoration site. He reached out to Life Science Professor Dr. Sarah Bergbower and retired Professor Jim Burnett to see if the group could assist in revitalizing and maintaining the 4.5-acre site that abuts the Student Services parking area and the Best Western property. “The County Line Quail Forever Club is comprised of people who care about the environment,” Fisher said.

ABOVE: Members of the County Line Quail Forever Club conduct a controlled burn on the James F. Hoffmann Memorial Prairie at OCC.

18 OCC Annual Report

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