Olney Central College 2023-24 Annual Report


There are several exciting projects happening on the OCC campus that will provide opportunities for students to learn and grow. Among these projects is an approved design for an addition to Wattleworth Hall that will house the nursing and radiography programs and the renovation of the STEM labs on the 3rd floor of Wattleworth Hall. Both projects, in combination with smaller projects to improve the appearance of the campus, help to create a more modern learning environment for students and staff. In addition to the chance to serve the Olney Central College campus as president, I also have the role of Vice Chancellor of Business Operations for the Illinois Eastern Community Colleges. This position allows me to work on each campus with their respective busi- ness officers and auxiliary units such as bookstores and food service. As the Business Operations Division works together to conduct a full-scale auxiliary unit review, we will identify strategies to improve efficiency of operations and enhance the support we provide to better serve the needs of students. 

he 2023-2024 academic year at Olney Central College began with a celebration of our 60th Anniversary. Classes began in September of 1963 with 154 students in the old Pure Oil building on the south side of the current campus. In recognition of the visionary lead- ership that led to the founding of what was called Olney Community College at the time, and the legacy of education and opportunity that has characterized OCC for the past six decades, a 60th Anniversary Celebration was held in September of 2023. This celebration provided a terrific platform for the entire community of Olney and Richland County to recog- nize the significant contributions that OCC has made to the lives of our residents and to look towards the future and the next 60 years. I began my new role as Olney Central College President in August of 2023, just before the new academic year began. As I began this role, my approach was “first who, then what.” In other words, my focus would be on getting to know faculty, staff, students, Foundation members, and others connected to OCC, before launching into any new change initiatives. This process has led me to a deep appreciation for the dedi- cation and commitment of the people that make Olney Central College run. With this type of human capital, it is no surprise that OCC is consistently ranked among the top community colleges in Illinois and was a recip- ient of an Aspen Prize as a top 150 community colleges in the United States.

Chris Simpson President and Vice Chancellor of Business Operations

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