J-LSMS 2024 | Fall


PMI’s Top 5 Self-Paced Online Courses for Medical Office Administrative Teams

At 4:30pm, Dr. Trawick recessed the House of Delegates and called to order the general membership meeting of the LSMS. Staff displayed the proposed amendments to the LSMS Charter. Following proper procedures, all members were notified of the amendments and time of vote on May 1, 2024. It was noted that 72 LSMS members were present. Dr. Trawick called for the vote and the following amendments passed. He then gaveled back in to the House of Delegates.

Patients and caregivers grade their experiences based on feelings, actions, and results; learn how these correlate with your office’s performance measures. Then, create a patient-centric experience that promotes team engagement and boosts your practice’s bottom line. Involve patients and their families with surveys and clinical engagement to improve QPP measures, and discuss strategies for improvement. Optimizing the Patient Experience Learn More

This certification course will improve your depth of knowledge so that you can code outpatient medical claims more confidently. Advanced-level training helps you communicate more confidently with providers, payers, patients, and business associates, and ensure proper claim submissions and accurate payment for services rendered. Instructor support, bonus videos, and the CMC exam are included. Certified Medical Coder (CMC)

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Advance your career and enhance your practice’s productivity and profitability. Our exclusive instructor-led curriculum provides a deep dive into all areas of Practice Administration, Personnel Management, Financial Management, Compliance Requirements, and Payment Models. Enrollment includes access to group study sessions, one-on-one faculty support, sample test questions, and 100-question online certification exam. Learn More Certified Medical Office Manager (CMOM)

A welcoming and attentive front office can transform a difficult time for patients and their families into a caring, positive experience. Small changes in the way your staff connects with patients can have dramatic results. Participants in this beginner-level courses will review difficult patient communication scenarios, address practice workflow challenges, improve collection efforts, decrease wait times, and more. Learn More Medical Practice Front Desk Success

Explore common payment problems that crush your bottom line. Adopt a process that measures and monitors collections efforts while remaining patient-centered. Establish policies and processes that support the administration and communication of financial responsibilities, and ensure that your collections processes are handled ethically, efficiently and legally. Learn how to detect and prevent fraudulent activities. Learn More Patient Collections & A/R Management

LOUISIANA STATE MEDICAL SOCIETY CHARTER ARTICLE VI BOARD OF GOVERNORS The powers of this Society shall be vested in a Board of Governors, which shall be composed of the President, the President-elect, the Immediate Past President, the Secretary-Treasurer, the Councilors, the Speaker and the Vice Speaker of the House of Delegates, the Chair of the Council on Legislation, an employed physician section member of the Society, a private practice physician section member of the Society , a young physician section member of the Society, a resident physician member of the Society, and a medical student member of the Society. and a senior physician section member of the Society. They shall

hold and exercise all powers not otherwise delegated. They shall execute the directives and actions of the House of Delegates between meetings of the House. They shall meet at least twice between annual meetings at the call of the President. Special meetings must be called by the President or the Secretary- Treasurer on the written request of four members of the Board of Governors.

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