Wabash Valley College 2023-24 Annual Report

Wizard of Oz’s Lasting Impact The production of “The Wizard of Oz” at the Brubeck Theatre brought joy to the Mount Carmel community, leaving a lasting impact on all who experienced it. Dennis Stroughmatt, the Theatre Director and Music and Theatre Specialist at Wabash Valley College, shared his thoughts on the memorable event on the Wabash Valley Arts Council Facebook Page.

ABOVE: The range of ages in The Wizard of Oz made for a colorful photo session! BOTTOM TOP LEFT TO RIGHT: The cast and stage crew of The Wizard of Oz. Dorothy and Glenda the Good Witch with fans of the show. BOTTOM LEFT TO RIGHT: Cast of production “Boo”, Cielito Lindo with crowd participants,

a variety of plays and performance throughout the school year. From the magic show of Reza to the musical talent of Cielito Lindo, the Mount Carmel Community was entertained from month to month. The exposure of cultures, classics and talent is sure to inspire others to explore the world of the arts. 

it all culminated in an explosion of excitement and joy that I’ve only seen in Southeast Illinois a few times. -Dennis Stroughmatt

Months of planning and hard work led to the spectacular production, which captivated audi- ences from opening day to the final curtain call. Stroughmatt expressed deep gratitude to the many individuals who contributed to the success of the production, including actors, volunteers, production staff, donors, and patrons. The overwhelming support and enthusiasm from the community were evident, with countless calls and messages praising the production. In fact, some of the days were sold out! Stroughmatt acknowledged the significant impact of the expe - rience for many involved, recognizing the collec- tive effort that made it possible. In particular, he praised the outstanding work of the production team, led by director Amanda Andrews and supported by a dedicated group of assistants, vocal directors, choreographers, and technicians. Their collaboration resulted in an

unforgettable theatrical masterpiece. WVAC/WVC Performing Arts Series

In addition to the successful production of The Wizard of Oz, The Wabash Valley Arts Council/ Wabash Valley College Arts Series spotlighted

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