Wabash Valley College 2023-24 Annual Report

B rooklyn Mays is a recent 2024 graduate of Wabash Valley College. She hails from Edwards County, 30 minutes west from the college, and graduated from Pinehaven Christian School. After high school, Brooklyn wasn’t exactly sure what she wanted to pursue, so she decided to enroll at WVC, which offered her a quality education while being affordable. While at WVC she was part of the Social Services academic program. Brooklyn has highlighted a very positive experience with her teachers at WVC, saying, “They genuinely cared about their students and their educa- tion; that they were willing to build a relationship with their students to just genuinely pour into them and mentor them.”

In addition to her academic pursuits and campus involvement, Brooklyn enjoyed a variety of activities outside of school. She loved playing pickleball and spending quality time with her family. During her downtime, she liked to read, listen to music, and be outside, appreciating the beauty of nature. Her well- rounded interests and active lifestyle reflected her vibrant personality and dedication to making the most of her college experience.

From Uncertainty to Ambition

Looking ahead, Brooklyn has set several ambitious goals for her future. She aspires to be part of women’s ministry full-time, using her skills and passion to make a positive impact on the lives of others. Brooklyn grad- uated from WVC on May 10th with both an Associate of Applied Science (A.A.S) degree and an Associate of Science and Arts (A.S) degree. After completing her studies at WVC, Brooklyn intends to transfer to Boyce College in Louisville, Kentucky, where she aims to obtain her Bachelor’s Degree in Biblical Counseling. Her long-term vision is to combine her academic back- ground in social services with her faith, ultimately working in a role where she can provide guidance and support to women in need.

Active In and Out of the Classroom

Brooklyn was incredibly active outside of the class- room, participating in numerous clubs and organ- izations on campus. She served as the president of the Social Services Club, was a member of Phi Theta Kappa, participated in Student Senate, was the leader of the Seekers Club (the Christian club on campus), and worked as a student ambassador. Her involvement in these organizations demonstrated her commit- ment to both her academic and personal growth. She valued the sense of community and support she found at WVC, which helped her thrive during her time at the college.

ABOVE: Brooklyn gives the invocation at the 2024 WVC commencement ceremony on May 10th.

20 WVC Annual Report

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