Wabash Valley College 2023-24 Annual Report

Wabash Valley College

Her long-term vision is to combine her academic background in social services with her faith.

ABOVE LEFT: Brooklyn Mays was an intricate part of WVC’s student body as president of the Social Services Club.

ABOVE RIGHT: Brooklyn is serving pizza as a Student Senate representative at the free pizza event.

Q&A with Brooklyn

BELOW: Brooklyn awaits her opportunity to give the invocation at the commencement ceremony on May 10th.

Q: What’s on your playlist right now? A: “Probably Casting Crowns.”

Q: If you had a superpower, what would it be? A: “Maybe to fly.” Q: What is your favorite food? A: “Probably barbecue. And steak by far.”

Brooklyn’s story is a testament to the opportunities and support available at Wabash Valley College. Her journey from an uncertain high school graduate to a confident, involved college graduate with clear goals for the future highlights the transformative power of education and community. As she continues to pursue her dreams, Brooklyn embodies the values of hard work, dedication, and service that WVC strives to instill in all its students. 

Forward Together 21

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