
Monastiraki ceases to be a homogeneous Cartesian place and constitutes the field that allows to desires of the subject to emerge — a field generated by conflicts, clashes and inter-crossing that eventually produce a large diversity of combinations, densities and intensities of experi- ence at specific moments in the extended field of the cityscape. The complex and flexible system that modulates space and articulates relations and events, extends the field of action, inviting the unanticipated, the spontaneous, the intimate, the erotic. Space transformed through such actions enables self-determination through continuous negotiations between individual expectations, desires and fantasies. Such space is an inter-media where each person can be defined and at the same time define his environment according to his desires. The changeable, unstable, precarious streetscape of Monastiraki is in fact a relational space, not only for taking a stroll in, but also for personal and/or shared stimulus. Here the interest of architecture is no longer in generating form; its value arises from the adoption of relations in space, dynamic actions and spatial situations that introduce a particular environment. The subject of our research is a flexible framework that embraces transformation and where the user himself activates his environment. Through an experimen- tal redefinition, architecture can turn to site . Working with the field, new qualities may emerge with the acceptance of complexity: design activates both visible and latent spatial dynamics leading to an architecture that responds to our desire to interact, to be activated, to interrelate. With this project of a digital art workshop, we are experimenting at Monastiraki, exploring a space of in-between which disputes the structural context. We do not encounter the ‘building’ as an entity, a self-referential object, but as a process of actions in the urban field; a transmitter of activities that feeds and feeds back the flows of the street. At the in- between space of building and city we are suggesting a broadened ‘street’ that interweaves with the building system. The folding of the ground detects new spaces of relation and action: joint with a vertical ground, a scaffolding, a superposition, a support of action. Between them, intermediate spaces emerge; new, strange spaces, spaces for the formation of new spatialities. This is an architectural project whose identity is almost ephemeral, an unfinished project in continual evolution. p

Tutor: Dimitris Papalexopoulos Thesis title: ‘New Media Art: cause for the formation of spatiality in the action field’ Tutor: Tasis Papaioannou National Technical University of Athens, 2005 references: Arjen Mulder and Joke Brouwer. TransUrbanism . NAI Publishers, 200 p.7

‘Private life spills into the street and its sidewalks, partially occupying them, appropriating them, transforming them, destroying them, becoming public life; public life expands into the buildings, exploring them, peeking into their interiors, revealing private life’. — Giannis Aisopos. ‘Identity Mutation’ Metapolis 2001- The contemporary (Greek) city , 2001.p200 Stan Allen. ‘From object to field’ Architecture After Geometry, AD , 1997. p25

onsite 19: street, streets and lanes, the straight and narrow, wide and busy


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