February 2022 Anchorlines

Fleet Surgeon

• Swimmer’s ear drops or 50 – 50 mix of white vinegar and rubbing alcohol in a dropper to apply to the ear as long as there is no suspicion of a ruptured ear drum such as after cliff diving or performing a “cannonball!” One has the option of taking along a cruising medicine book and a search at Amazon or similar websites can yield options.

Pre-made kits offer another option and their contents can be viewed online. Yours truly would be happy to look one over with you as well. The American College of Emergency Physicians has an article on the topic as well: https://www.emergencyphysicians.org/article/health--safety-tips/home-first-aid-kit Boat US: https://www.boatus.com/expert-advice/expert-advice-archive/2019/august/your- essential-on-board-first-aid-kit-for-any-boat

West Marine: https://www.westmarine.com/marine-first-aid-kits

Red Cross: https://www.redcross.org/store/first-aid- supplies?scode=PSG00000E017&gclid=CjwKCAiA3L6PBhBvEiwAINlJ9EpD9kIj8zjWjXgaOX4MpWNnUYQJfl fdsUUxWbo6pR5SGPFH4mIqixoCFcEQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds

To read another article submitted by Dr. David Randall, click on the following link: A Brief History of Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine


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