
urban strategy: densification

Vertical densification would make the relationships between housing, transport and services more efficient. The array of activities possible within the pedestrian and bicycle range become more varied. It is the intention of the project to change the direction of growth from horizontal to vertical. vertical and horizontal mixed use The proposal introduces a series of programmed ‘multi-purpose implants’ on the third floor level. The implants provide services, public green areas and recreation facilities that are so much in need, achieving an overlap of social, economic and private activities that help build a sense of community. At the same time, densifica- tion is stimulated and its direction and rate of growth can be influenced.

initial positioning three variables were taken in account to determine the initial seeding points: distance between programs, distance from the streets considering their range of importance, and program compatibility. size size and number of implants are given by the number of people within the range of impact of each program.

on |site 14 13

architecture and land

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