
temporary landing 2005 Katherine Bourke

L A N D Locating









3 an update...

1 Two citywalkers located in berlin, germany and yeong- ju, south korea walk the land - with questions, with an urgency to notice or per- haps create palimpsests of understanding and pleasure in the uncertain land between the inner urban core and its periphery. No, the thing that keeps com- ing back to me is TO LAND mostly in relation to arriving at an idea though walking. To land at an understanding of the the organically grown city via walking. To land in the outskirts of a city and land at another opinion of it... land and movement.

2 Land – Landlines – Upon landing

The thing that locates landing, the thing that I keep coming back to with this word is arriving at an idea, place and image through movement. Land... could we think of it as an idea, place or image arrived at via movement. The body moves, the mind thinks. Landing as with sensing - it isn’t fixed. It’s in between. Perhaps thinking of it as in between walk- ing and arriving and departing, thinking and speaking and writing, and seeing and imaging is helpful. What is left? A trace, a landline. Lines that reach outward. Lines that keep moving – The thing is we’ll always be landing. To see clearly and land for an instant – breathe – then back to the uncertainty.

a walker glances towards the building...

blue with sound, peach with light, green with breath, and rust with motion.

the mind rests upon and idea - landing - for a moment or two, before finding another temporary landing, colour and idea.

katherine bourke is a writer, photog- rapher and english teacher currently based in yeoung-ju south korea.


on |site 14

architecture and land

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