Introducing the CompTIA Cybersecurity Career Pathway Avendor-neutral pathway for ITprofessionals toachievecybersecuritymastery, frombeginning toend
Enter where it makes sense Consider experience and current certifications or course of study.
Core Skills Certifications CompTIA’s core IT skills certifications level theplayingfieldand lay the foundation for a successful career in IT, nomatterwhat pathyou take.
Cybersecurity Pathway TheCompTIACybersecurityCareer Pathwayhelps technical specialists achievecybersecuritymastery, frombeginning toend.
Infrastructure Pathway IT infrastructure is the bedrockof IToperations andnecessary for any business to function.
Additional Certifications CompTIA’sprofessional skills certifications cover versatile skillsets that help takeyour career to thenext level.
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