
1 Havel,Vaclav, 2004.‘The Culture of Enterprise’ Walrus , Feb./Mar. 2004. p38 2 Lawrence, Roderick J, 1987.‘What Makes a House a Home?’ Environment & Behavior , 19 (2) March 1987. pp154. 3 Lawrence, Roderick J ibid . 4 Pelto, Pertti. 1978.‘Ecology, Delocalisation and Social Change’. Consequences of Economic Change in the Arctic . Boreal Institute for Northern Affairs/University of Alberta, Edmonton. p32. 5 Ironically, the planned community, now largely occupied by whites (a proportion of whom work at the Edzo based school), is named after a great Dogrib leader, while Rae, the place with a history of aboriginal occupancy, is named after a Scot- tish fur trader, 6 Gamble, Donald J. 1986.‘Crushing of Cultures:Western Applied Science in Northern Societies’. Arctic , vol.39, No.1 (March 1986). p21. 7 Gamble, Donald J. 1986. ibid . p21.

Gavin Renwick is an A.H.R.B. Research Fellow in the Creative and Performing Arts at the School of Fine Art / Visual Research Centre, Duncan of Jor- danstone College of Art and Design, University of Dundee, Scotland. A note from earlier this spring: ‘60 people have just arrived by skidoo from the community of Deline (Fort Franklin) to the North. Together with the 100 or so who have arrived by plane that doubles the size of the population of Gameti. The next few days should be fun’.

On Site review 11


Spring 2004

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