

stephanie white

gavin renwick


antonio zedda

northern nature B ecky M essier : Becky’s greenhouse, NWT G raham A shford : Banks Island A ntonio Z edda : Being Boreal in the Yukon B jorn O tto B raaten : 70ºN ,Tromsø, Norway C hris A llen : Finnish Wood Culture F lorian J ungen : Eskasoni, Cape Breton, NS M anoo : Polar Cube G wen B oyle : Excepts from an Arctic Journal northern responses T om S trickland : On being a northern country, an interview with Adrienne Clarkson T racey M actavish : Northern Towns G avin R enwick : Gameti Ko, NWT northern occupation

4 14 16 18 21 24

pétur armannsson

graham ashford

gwen boyle

chris allen


8 11

byron white

26 27

northern living

adrienne clarkson

stephen robinson

tom strickland

H arriet B urdett M oulton : Iqaluit Greenhouse A leta F owler : Houseboats in Yellowknife NWT B yron W hite : Bush Camp R obert G B romley and S tephen F ancott : Wha Ti, NWT S imon T aylor : Traill’s End,Yellowknife, NWT

28 30 33 34


mike mense

northern buildings

simon taylor

joe ferraro and bill brooks

T racey M actavish : Northern Detail T racey M actavish : Northern Firms: Ferguson Simek Clark Pin/Taylor Kobayashi Zedda Architects Full Circle Architecture P etra S attler -S mith : Kotlik,Alaska S teve C hrister : Valhalla, Iceland

40 43

52 54 56 59 60 62

harriet burdett moulton

david hernandez quintela

P etur A rmannsson : Bifrost, Nordudalur, Iceland KHRAS : Swimming pool at Nuuk, Greenland KHRAS : Nature Institute, Nuuk. M ichael B arton : Northern building perspectives

tracey mactavish


northern technology

M ike M ense : Northern Architecture: form folows latitude S tephen R obinson : Building on permafrost B ill W aechter : Drifting snow J oseph F erraro and W illiam B rooks : Green at the South Pole D on T aylor : Architecture of British Antarctic Survey Stations


the camera shy aleta fowler and boris

stephen fancott and robert bromley

66 68 73


northern background S tephanie W hite :Two good books


michael barton

don taylor

bill waechter

On Site review 11


Spring 2004

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