Temperature Scale
52C or 125F
Cold inside, red all the way through. Does not bleed. Typically, it’s only grey on the outside with very little browning. 55C or 130F Warm inside with a pink ring surrounding Medium Rare red. Bleeds a little; the juices are clear with red as the marbling begins to melt. Typically purging at the edge of the steak. Bulges like a water balloon when poked. It’s soft because the fats are melting inside. 57C or 135F Warm throughout and consistently pink inside. Medium bleeds a lot and requires a rest. Substantially less fat in the purge, and more red. It bleeds from all surface areas. Bulging doesn’t happen anymore; the proteins on the outside are cooked. Medium Medium Well 60C or 140F Hot throughout, and now has a grey layer surrounding pink. No red is visible on a cross-section here. The juices begin to darken and take on a caramel hue. While it bleeds profusely, it’s now bleeding brown. 63C or 145F Brown throughout; there is no pink visible Well Done here. Bleeding has slowed down; any more that comes out is now thoroughly brown. A Syrah is an excellent choice for both porterhouse and T-bone cuts. This type of wine offers the tannins of a Pinot Noir with the dark fruit flavours of a Cabernet Sauvignon. It’s heavier than a Pinot Noir, while also being lighter than a Cabernet Sauvignon. Perfect Pairing!
Chef Nathan Schoenfeldt
Domaine de la Terre Rouge Syrah Les Cotes de L’Ouest BIN#: R0189Z | 750 ML $39.59 Available at PEI Liquor locations Chef’s Choice!
Saskatchewan trained and PEI polished, Chef Nathan Schoenfeldt moved to the Island ten years ago and fell in love with the culinary community.
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