Fine Art Collector | Spring 2016

Editorial Feature

22 McAlpine Miller

4 Raphael Mazzucco

32 NigelMason

60 KeithMaiden

37 CraigDavison


With spring tantalisingly on the horizon, and with the promise of lighter days ahead, we bring you an exciting mixture of life-enhancing art this season. Frommind-bending 3D editions by JohnWilson, nostalgic works fromBob Barker, figurative paintings by David Rees and Keith Maiden, gorgeous and striking landscapes by Richard Rowan, the ethereal Timberlyne collection fromCraig Davison, as well as star photographer Raphael Mazzucco’s colourful and arresting artwork, there is something to suit every room in the house in the spring 2016 collection. Alongside these established and talented artists, we are thrilled to bring you the best in emerging talent too, and are delighted to introduce two brand new artists onto the scene – Elaine Mather and Nigel Mason. We hope this edition puts a spring in your step!

FineArtCollector ispublishedbyWashingtonGreen (F.A.P.C.)LtdanddistributedbyCastleGalleries. Email Website Alltheartfeatured inFineArtCollector isavailablethroughCastleGalleriesacrossGreatBritain.Visitourwebsiteatcastlegalleries.comtofindyournearestgallery.The images containedwithinthis literatureareanartistic representationofthecollection.Tobestexperienceourart,we recommendyoucontactyour localgallerytoarrangeaviewing. Prices illustratedthroughoutthismagazineare recommended retailpricesandmayvarybetweenPartnershipGalleriesdependingonstylesofpresentation. Designed&ProducedbyNowMedia, JayneHowarth,StephanieRichman.

© 2016 Washington Green (F.A.P.C) Ltd. Printed in England

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