Nigel Mason children played for hours in the streetsmaking up their own games, whilst ' Sulky ' perfectly captures the archetypal petulant little girl that everyone has encountered. "For me, painting is an interpretation of life and theworld aroundme. It's about exploring howpeople interact with each other and their environment and creating a picture that stirs intangible responses – the ones that can't be measured but are fully understood by everyone." Described by Nigel as narrative vignettes, the 8" square paintings tell stories that aremuch bigger than first meets the eye. Typified by ' BusyWaiter ', themore you look, themore you see. Contrasts of light and shade, action and reaction and the seen and unseen all play a part in deepening and widening the tale, as well as injecting life and movement into the piece. The contrasts of the hurryingwaiter and the relaxed customers, or the man leaning forwardwhilst thewoman leans back, turn an everyday scene into one that suggests far more profound human behaviour. There is also a hint of a lot more going on outside of the painting. Thewaiter is looking to one side and theman on the left is seemingly having a conversationwith someone, suggesting far more life thanwithin the piece itself. "This open-ended narrative lets viewers delve deeper and shape their own stories", he says. "My paintings are a bit like the Tardis. Just like human relationships and theworld around us, there is so muchmore to seewhen you look inside".
“By leaving facial expressions undefined, viewers can freely make their own associations and tap into personal emotions and memories.”
GALLERY The new collection fromNigel Mason is available now. Viewonline at
� BusyWaiter
� Curious
� DeliveryBoy
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