King's Business - 1929-08

V olume 20— N um ber 8 25 C ents a copy

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THE HARVEST TRULY .IS* PLENTEOUS In vario u s p a rts of th e w orld a N ative T rainer C hristian m ay be sup p o rted in th e w ork o' G od fo r an entire y e ar fo r from $25 to $600 L iteratu re free. NATIVE PREACHER CO. INC., Box K, 251 F airm o u n t Rd., Ridgewood, N. J

SAVE A SOUL FROM DEATH This is being done in A frica, C hina, India, by N ative E vangelists an d B ible W om en who are being su p p o rted for from 80c to $2.00 a week, $40 to $100 for a year. W rite Rev. H. A. B arton, Secy., Box B, 473 G reen A ve., B rooklyn, N. Y., fo r free literatu re.

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H A R O L D S O M E R S ,

F R E E I I I I I C C I J E / E i ! THE KING’S BUSINESS offers to its- readers an opportunity to enroll ABSOLUTELY FREE in one òr more of the many comprehensive and instructive Bible courses issued by the Correspondence School Department of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles. These courses have been prepared by ardent students of the Bible, with a view of driving the’student to the Word of God, to see for himself the teachings therein. Through special arrangement with this department, these courses may now be had absolutely free by obtaining new subscriptions to our magazine, THE KING’S BUSINESS. ($1.25 per year U, S. ; $1.50 foreign.) RENEWALS DO NOT APPLY. All who are thus enrolled will be entitled to the same privileges as those who pay the regular enrollment fee. Certifi­ cate granted upon satisfactory completion of each course. The following schedule gives a brief description of the courses and the number of new subscriptions required for en­ rollment in any one of them:

C C I E I E I N um ber S ubscriptions R equired

N um ber S ubscriptions R equired

THROUGH TH E BIBLE IN A YEAR 1 A telescopic stu d y of th e books of Bible, giving a b ird ’s eye view of co n ten ts of each book. the ) t h e j

BIBLE BEGINNERS’ COURSE A series of v ital studies especially for young C hristians, ta k in g up som e of th e ru d im en tary tru th s of th e C h ris­ tian faith. STUDIES IN TH E GOSPELS A verse-b y -v erse stu d y of the gospels, giving one a clear conception of the earth ly m in istry of o u r Lord. STUDIES IN ACTS A sim ilar stu d y in th e book of A cts to th a t in th e gospels. FUNDAMENTAL DOCTRINES OF CHRISTIANITY A th o ro u g h course of study fundam ental d o ctrines of the th e foundation of C hristianity. THROUGH TH E BIBLE BY BOOKS AND CHAPTERS A n an aly sis of each c h ap ter is m ade by th e stu d en t on four given subjects. A n in tro d u ctio n on each book is also given, upon w hich th e stu d en t is ex­ am ined. on the Bible,




4 p er gospel 14 all gospels

A stu d y of chu rch w ork and dealings w ith the unsaved.




TEACHER TRAINING COURSE U nit One— The T eacher. U nit Two— T he Pupil. A m ost p ractical p ed ag o g ­ ical an d evangelical course of stu d y on th is im p o rtan t p hase of th e m inis­ try of th e church. C redit given in th e S tan d ard L eadership T rain in g C u rric­ ulum ^ of th e In tern atio n al Council of R eligious E ducation, also in th e Day School D epartm ent of the Bible In sti­ tu te. SU PPLEM ENTAL COURSE D esigned especially fo r those of th e ju n io r and in term ed iate age, th o u g h the stu d ies will also be found p ro fit­ able to th e adult.


8 P er U nit


10 Old Test. 8 Néw Test.




The K ing’s Business, 536 S. H ope St., Los A ngeles, C alif:. G entlem en:

E nclosed please find $ su b scrip tio n s to y o u r m agazine, also list of nam es and ad d resses of subscribers. A ccording to y o u r special offer of free enrollm ent, in a Bible C orrespondence course, I desire enrollm ent in the



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THE KING’S BUSINESS W illiam P. W hite , D.D., E ditor Motto: "I, the Lord, do keep it; I will water it every moment: lest any hurt it, I will keep it night and day.” Isaiah 27:3.

An Investment in “ B ICLA” ANNU ITY D C N D T w ill help you to avoid this tragedy A godly husband had made careful provision for his wife, who, he felt, was not equal to business responsibilities should he be taken. His will carefully provided for the safety of everything possible, including even the payment of a modest weekly sum as current living ex­ penses ; the estate at the wife’s . death to go to several fine re­ ligious organizations, After the husband’s death, ill advised or godless friends finally succeeded in getting the wife to go to court and try to break the will ; after effort and expense this was accom­ plished. Now the tragedy—so often repeated-—the careful provi- ' sipn of that loving husband is all lost and scattered, and that ■ widow is absolutely without i property or income and de- ; pendent on others; oh, the pity of such cases. j This sad outcome c o u l d ; have been safely avoided if - the Life Annuity plan had been adopted. Inform ation as to rates o f in ­ come on our thoroughly pro-, tected A nnu ity Bonds gladly given. Address Bible Institute o f Los Angeles 536-558 South Hope Street Los Ángeles, California


August, 1929

V o lum e X X

Number 8

Table of Contents Crumbs from the King’s Table—The Editor...... | ...........................363 Three Reasons Why I Believe the Bible is the Word of God —Rev. W. P. White, D.D....................... ............. :............. ....365 The Prophet’s Place and Duty—Rev. John G. Reid, Ph.D............ 369 Unfading Hope—G. B. M. Clouser......................................!...........371 Heavenly Things—Dr. George B. Edwards:............. .....................373 Love Covers a Multitude of Sins—Clarence Edward Macartney..375 Miserly Thinkers—Christopher G. Hazard, D.D.....1................... 376 Prophetic Pictures in the Bible—Rev. W. H. Pike............... .......377 Evangelistic Work Among the Women of India —Mrs. Mary R. Samuel...............................................:................378 Seed Thoughts from St. Mark—Rev. Wilfred ,M. Hopkins......... 380 Striking Stories of God’s Workings.—..................................... ........384 Heart to Heart with Our Young Readers —Florence Nye Whitwell...... ..................................................... 386 The Junior King’s Business—Sophie Shaw Meader......... ..............389 Homiletical Helps for Preachers and Teachers............ .................391 “To the Jew First”-—David L. Cooper:...........................................392 International Lesson Commentary—David L. Cooper................. 393 Notes on Christian Endeavor—Alan S. Pearce............................. 399 Our Literature Table.................. ,...................................................... 402 A Book A Month.............................. 403 Daily Devotional Readings................................ 404

SUBSCRIBERS’ INFORMATION A dvertising:: F o r in fo rm a tio n w ith r e fe r­ ence to advertising: in TH E KING’S BUSI­ NESS ad d ress th e R elig io u s P re ss Assn., 325 N orth 13th St., P h ilad elp h ia, Pa., or N orth A m erican Bldg., Chicago, 111. E n te re d a s Second C lass M a tte r Novem ­ b er 17, 1910, a t th e P o s t Office a t Los A ngeles, C alifornia, un d er th e A ct of M arch 3, 1879. A cceptance fo r m ailin g a t special ra te of p o sta g e provided fo r in Section 1103, A ct of O ctober 3, 1917, a u th o rize d O ctober 1, 1918. T erm s: $1.25 p e r year. Single copies 25 cents. F o re ig n C ountries (in clu d in g C an­ a d a) $1.50 p e r year. C lubs of 5 or m ore

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POLICY AS D E F IN ED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF TH E BIBLE INSTI- TUTE OF LOS ANGELES (a) To sta n d fo r th e in fallib le W ord of God and its g re a t fu n d am e n ta l tru th s , (b) To stre n g th e n th e fa ith of a ll believers, (c) To s tir young m en an d w om en to fit th em selv es fo r an d en g ag e in definite C h ristian w ork, (d) To m ak e th e Bible In s titu te of Los A ngeles know n, (e) To m ag n ify God our F a th e r and th e person, w o rk a n d com ing of our L ord Je su s C h rist; and to tea ch th e tra n s fo rm in g pow er of th e H oly S p irit in our p re se n t p ra c tic a l life, (f) To em phasize in stro n g , c o n stru ctiv e m essages th e g re a t fo u n d atio n s of C h ristia n fa ith . 536-558 S. Hope St., BIBLE INSTITUTE OF LOS ANGELES, Lot Angelet, California

B y G eorge H all (B. I. ’22)

Before Thy throne, 0 Lord, all things are possible.' Holy ambitions rise, Faith cleaves the darkened skies, Peace reigns and discord dies, Before Thy throne.

Before Thy throne, 0 Lord, all things are possible. My weakness wings its flight, Transmuted into might, Darkness is turned to light, Before Thy throne.

Before Thy throne, O Lord, all things are possible. I lisp that sacred Name, My cold heart feels the flame, In life the Saviour reigns, Before Thy throne.

Before Thy throne, 0 Lord, all things are possible. M y feeble faith grows strong, Right triumphs over wrong, Sighing is changed to song, Before Thy throne.

Before Thy throne, 0 Lord, all things are possible. Here proud ambitions lay, All self is burned away, I cry, "Lord, H A V E TH Y W A Y ,” Before Thy throne. Before Thy throne, O Lord, all things are possible. F A ITH leaps to seize the prize, HOPE views the sundered skies, LOVE triumphs and self dies, Before Thy throne.

Before Thy throne, O Lord, all things are possible. Spirit with spirit meets, Down at Thy blessed feet, In Him I stand complete, Before Thy throne.

Before Thy throne, O Lord, all things are possible. 0 what a soothing balm, What an infinite calm, Dispels my soul’s alarm, Before Thy throne.

August 1929

T h e

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Crumbs from the King’s Table By the Editor

A Shorter Bible O Christian can consistently recommend the use of Kent’s Shorter Bible. Yet your Bible is no longer than what you use of the sacred Scrip­ tures. Some Christians have a very short Bible! This is why they know so little of the program of God and are being led into countless heresies and fads. They are in hopeless confusion. God is not the author of confusion. He is a God of order; therefore His Son can not be understood, or His Book fully appre­ ciated, if we study the Bible only in detached portions. I am a little afraid" the church school has been studying a shorter Bible. That may be the reason why God’s people are so ignorant of the Word. The whole Book is a harp with a thousand strings. Play on one to the exclusion of its relationship to the others, and you will develop discord. Play on all of them, keeping them in their places in the divine scale, and you will hear heavenly music all the time. The Man of th e Book T O be an intelligent Christian one must read the Book thoughtfully and prayerfully, omitting nothing. The Bible is not a “library of sixty-six books” ; it would be better to call it a book of sixty-six chapters. Each chapter is related to all the rest. It is a logical system of divine truth. When I was a student in Xenia Seminary, the late Dr. W. G. Moorehead said to me one day: “Let me give you an illustration. This morning in my home my two daughters, Mary and Margaret, were playing with a puz­ zle map of the world. It was composed of a number of thin blocks. On one side was the map; on the other, a picture of Abraham Lincoln. ‘I have tried more than two hours,’ Mary said to Margaret. ‘I don’t know what the world looks like. How can I get it together?’ Margaret said, ‘Neither do I. But I know what Abraham Lincoln looks like. Let us put him together.” They put together Lincoln’s picture in ten minutes, and when they turned it over, to their great surprise, there was the map of the world that had baffled them so long!” If you know the Man of the Book, you can get the Book together. — o — Making a Pulpit Out of Your Circumstances I N his letter to the church a t Philippi, Paul says, “7 have learned in whatsoever state I am to be content.” God has two ways of teaching truth. First, He lays down the principle, and second, He points to some child of His who has illustrated the principle in his life. Paul and Silas were in jail at Philippi with their feet in the stocks, and it was midnight. What would we do in a dirty old jail filled with vermin, with our feet in the stocks, "unable to sleep, in the middle of the night? I suspect that I would growl, at least until the morning light. But Paul perhaps

said to Silas, “Can’t you raise the tune of some good old hymn?” and methinks they sang— “God is our refuge and our strength, In straits, a present aid; And therefore, though the earth be moved, We will not be afraid.” And behold, there was an earthquake, and the jailer and his household were saved. There will always be a spiritual earthquake where a child of God sings songs in the night! And now Paul is in Rome in prison. He had wanted to visit Rome for a long time. He wrote to the Roman Christians that he wanted to visit Rome. He had no idea how he would get there, but now he is in Rome, and it didn’t cost him a farthing. He got to Rome at the expense of the Roman government! He had longed to preach in Caesar’s household. The front door was locked when Paul got to Rome, but the dungeon door was open. What’s the difference how you get to Rome and into Caesar’s household when you are an ambassador for the King? Paul closes his letter to the church at Philippi with the expression, “The saints in Caesar’s household salute you.” Day after day they would chain a Roman soldier .to one of Paul’s arms, and another Roman soldier to the other arm. What a magnificent opportunity to preach the Gospel! His audience could not leave him! And Paul, instead of reciting his troubles, would say to these young Roman soldiers, “Men, I want to tell you about the Lord Jesus Christ.” And he preached Jesus Christ to them in the midst of his trying circumstances. In other words, he made a pulpit out of his circumstances, and the whole praetorian guard heard the Gospel. My deaf old mother was blind and lame for many years. She could not distinguish between daylight and darkness. She could not walk a step. Two men of God each Sunday would wheel her over to the church and down the center aisle to the center of the audience. And there she would sit while I attempted to preach. But when I would finish, young people would gather round my mother and she would talk to them about the Saviour. They never heard her complain once; neither did I. She led more souls to Christ from the pulpit of her wheel chair and blind eyes than I did from the platform. The other day I attended the funeral of a Los Angeles banker. It was a beautiful home. The casket that con­ tained the mortal body of Mr. Dabney Day lay in the midst of a most gorgeous display of flowers, but the man was not there. He had gone to be with his Lord. He had been greatly loved by those who knew him. A thousand people were present in and around that home, among them the leading business men of this great city. There was every evidence that the man who had gone had been true to his Saviour in his social, business and home life. Three ministers officiated. There were no cheap words spoken, for they were faithful to their Master. The sing­ ing rang true to the Gospel. One of the ministers, a faith­ ful evangelist, gave an invitation to publicly confess Jesus Christ as Saviour, and five strong business men stood to

August 1929


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“For Tomorrow We Die” S IR GEORGE PA ISH , English economist, utters a gloomy prophecy: “I say with the highest authority, and I challenge anyone to deny it, that we are threatened with the greatest financial crisis the world has ever seen. . . . . The greatest authorities in this country and in the United States expect it to come this spring . . . .W e are not. trying to see our way out, we are just dancing. . . . . We are drinking and making merry, for tomorrow we d ie/’ The Christian will hope and pray that this man’s pre­ diction will fail. Yet we cannot forget that the Bible also predicts' the coming of economic disaster in the closing days of the present age. “And when He had opened the third seal, I heard the third beast say, Come and see. And I beheld, and lo a black horse; and he that sat on him had a pair of balances in his hand. And I heard a voice in the midst of the four beasts saying, A measure of wheat for a penny” (about a quart of wheat for twenty cents) (Rev. 6:5-6). . When the price of wheat goes to $6.40 per bushel, the economists will really have something to worry about. But the blackness of the night will not discourage those who know the Lord of all. They know that man does not live by bread alone. They know that the Church will escape the tribulation of those dark days. Still further, they know that a better day is coming for the earth, when the pinch of economic need will utterly pass away. .$&• jsl' Surgery is Not Enough T HREE years ago a man in Los Angeles, with a mania for stealing automobiles, underwent an operation on his brain which it was thought might cure him of his fool­ ishness. He has just been arrested for stealing another automobile. It takes more than a surgeon’s knife to get rid of man’s sinful propensities. The trouble goes deeper than the “brain.” Man needs a new heart, and only God can give him this. A Sympathetic Prince T HE Prince of Wales, some time ago, did a very com­ mendable thing in paying a personal visit to the poverty-stricken coal-mining region of England. The sit­ uation he found there the Prince himself described as “ghastly.” He found men blinded by accidents, large fami­ lies living in a couple of cold barren rooms, people sleep­ ing upon bundles of rags without blankets, hungry chil­ dren, and men without work.. In one home the Prince picked up a little two-year-old baby and amused her by tossing her toward the ceiling. Then the Prince went on, leaving the family with an un­ forgettable memory—a visit from the future King of the realm. No true Christian will sneer at this evidence of sym­ pathy on the part of the Prince for the poor of his king­ dom. And yet, how. little the human ruler does, or can do, in the face of human need. After all has been done that is humanly possible for the poor, the Christian will pray for the coming of another “Prince” whose sympathy and power to relieve suffering are infinite. “For He shall deliver the needy when he crieth; the poor also, and him that hath no helper. He shall spare the poor and needy, and shall save the souls o f the needy. He shall redeem their soul from deceit and violence : and pre­ cious shall their blood be in His sight” (Psa. 72:12-14).

their feet. It was a day of triumph. It warmed my soul. It made me want to be a better man. Why? Because the Christian who had gone home had allowed Jesus Christ to be the Master of his life among his business associates; they had seen Jesus in him. And because his lonely wife could stand by the casket of her dear one and rejoice in his triumph. She might have cried out in the agony of her soul, and we would not have criticized h e r.. Most people cry in like circumstances, but she sang praises to God. She made a pulpit out of her circumstances, five men were saved, and we all rejoiced that we had seen the Lord at work in a human life. Learn the secret: “I can do all things through Christ who strengtheneth me.” The Extension Department “Lengthen thy cords and strengthen thy stakes.” T HIS may be regarded as a call to the Bible Institute of Los Angeles at the present time. To this call, the Institute Is responding. Having strengthened its stakes in the work of reorganization, it proposes now to lengthen its cords by extending the benefits of its work to evan­ gelical pastors and churches that desire its services. Through the Extension Department, this work will be carried into the field just as far as is possible. The exten­ sion work, which has formerly been identified with the Student Association and other Institute activities, has now been made a separate department of Institute work in order that it may function more efficiently in its own sphere. This will include Bible conferences, evangelistic meetings, and gatherings for young people in .centers both large and small. Wherever the Institute can extend its usefulness, it stands ready to serve to the fullest extent of its power. The members of the Faculty, some of whom have had many years of experience in these lines of work, are prepared to render service either to churches united or to those acting in an individual capacity. At this time of writing,, it ■ is probable that teachers of national repute will soon be added to the Extension De­ partment staff. Financial arrangements will be based on traveling ex­ penses and entertainment for the workers and an envelope offering at the close of the services. The Institute will make no attempt to raise money for its work in these meetings. It will seek to minister rather than to be minis­ tered unto. It is the desire and purpose of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles to serve evangelical pastors and churches in their own localities, and also to offer such courses of study to the young people of these churches as shall equip them for service in the home church and pre­ pare them for work and witnessing unto the uttermost parts.' Pastors and leaders interested in this offer are asked to address the Extension Department of the Bible Insti­ tute of Los Angeles for further information and for the arrangement of its services. The editor of T he K ing ’ s B usiness has been asked to state if he believes in the general teaching of what is known as “Bullingerism.” My answer is: “NO!” “The Companion Bible” has some very helpful things for the Bible student. Dr. Bullinger was a very fine scholar but his general teaching is so radically different from the pres­ ent testimony of the Bible Institute and . T he K ing ’ s B usiness that we cannot endorse his books. — o — Our Position On Bullingerism

August 1929


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Three Reasons Why I Believe the Bible is the Word of God B y R ev . W . P. W h ite / D.D. President, Bible Institute of Los Angeles

HE Bible is the Word of God_, the only infallible rule of faith and conduct. It is a rule of faith, in that it teaches what man is to believe concern­ ing God. It is a rule of conduct, in that' it teaches the duties God requires of men. It is infallible in that it makes no mistakes in doc­ trine, or precept. Some there are who tell us that the Bible contains the Word of God. We believe .that it is the Word of God. My father had great corn-fields, when I was a boy. In the corn-fields, he often planted melons. The corn­ field was not a melon patch- It was a corn-field with melons in it. It is as difficult for the men who tell us that the Bible contains the Word of God, to point it out, when asked to do so, as it was for the neighbor boys to find my father’s watermelons! The Bible is the Word of God, in the sense that the moment you open its pages, you have before you that on which God has placed His seal. Of course, there are words of Satan, and of wicked men,, recorded in the Bible, but they are recorded as such, by the authority of Jehovah. Men are in need of a revelation -vrith authority. If the Bible does not come to us with the authority of Jehovah, why should we be good? Who said that I should be good ? Suppose I do not want to be good ? Suppose it suits my purpose better to be dishonest, or vicious, or im­ pure? If a Supreme Being has not made a pronounce­ ment as to what I should, or should not do, why should I feel under obligation? “Let us eat and drink, for tomor­ row we die,” is the logical suggestion to young people today, who have been taught in the schools that the Bible does not create moral obligation, but is '“simply and only, the history of man’s search for God.” I shall give you three reasons why J believe the Bible to be the Word of God: I. T h e D e f in it e T estimony of J esus C hrist a n d H is D isciples The New Testament was not written when Jesus Christ was on earth in bodily form, but it is a product of Christ. If you believe that there was such a person as Jesus Christ, you can believe the entire New Testament. Jesus left no writings of His own. The Gospels were writ­ ten by His followers. The entire New Testament was written by men who professed to have seen and heard Him. According to these writers, Jesus had foretold that such revelations would be made after His departure. He said that He would send the Holy Spirit. That the Spirit would teach,them things that they could not receive from Him during His life here. “He shall take the things that are mine and shall show them unto you.” “He shall guide you iv\to all truth-” The disciples and followers of Jesus Christ produced the New Testament, according to the prophecy and promise of their Master. The New Testa­ ment and Jesus Christ cannot be separated. According to these same witnesses, Jesus Christ placed the stamp of His authority on the Old Testament' Scrip­

tures. Let it be remembered that He had the same Old Testament that we have today. He used it and quoted from it. He distinctly said that Moses wrote of H im : “Beginning at Moses, and all the Prophets, He expounded unto them the things concerning Himself.” In talking to the Pharisee, in Matt. 19:4-6, He confirmed the Genesis story of Adam and Eve. He -put His O. K. on the stories of Sodom and Gomorrah, Lot’s wife, and the flood. We have a New Testament story of the flood, and from the lips of Jesus Himself: “They ' knew not until the flood came and took them all away.” He often referred to the Law of Exodus. He observed the ceremonial law of Le­ viticus. He was fhe antitype of the brazen serpent of Numbers. When tempted of the Devil in the wilderness, He quoted three times- from Deuteronomy, and the Devil did not challenge Him. That was before the Devil at­ tended a modern theological seminary! If the temptation would come to Jesus today, and He would quote Scripture to the Devil, he would say: “It has been universally con­ ceded by modern scholarship, that Deuteronomy is not the Scripture of God!” ' Jesus Christ believed the story of Jonah and the whale. Mr. Moody was right when he refused to allow men to speak from his platform who denied the Jonah story, for Jesus Christ 'referred to the Jonah story, and hung upon the historical fact of Jonah’s experience, His own expe­ rience in the heart of the earth : “A s Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly o f the whale, so shall the Son of man be three days and three nights in the heart o f the earth.” Jesus Christ believed Daniel wrote Daniel: “When ye see the abomination o f desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, etc.” (Matt. 24:15). “The disciple whom Jesus loved” makes Jesus the ful­ fillment of Isaiah’s prophecy, and declares Isaiah author of it. A preacher once sat beside me on a railway train, and expressed his surprise that I assumed" that Isaiah wrote Isaiah. Said h e : “Don’t you know that the scholars are agreed that Isaiah did not write Isaiah?” I replied: “Mark Twain has said the best thing on that subject that I have heard. He said : ‘It has recently been discovered by modern scholarship that Isaiah did not write Isaiah, but another man by the same name wrote it.’ ” The apostle John is the latest authority on the Isaiah question. John quoted from “Second Isaiah,” then backed up into “First Isaiah,” and said: “These things said Isaiah, when he saw His glory and spake o f Him” (John 12:38-41). My preacher friend said to me: “Oh, John believed that Isaiah wrote Isaiah, but it is agreed among scholars that John did not know what he was talking about.” How sad that would be for some of us, if true! I have been preaching the Gospel for over forty years, founding my message on John 3:16, when I should have been saying: “John thought that God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life; but it has been recently discovered by modern scholarship that John did not know what he was talking about!”


August 1929

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We face three propositions: There are mistakes in the Old Testament, but Jesus Christ did not know they were there. Therefore, modern scholarship knows more than Jesus Christ. Where is the man who will stand up and make the claim? Second: There are mistakes in the Old Testament, and Jesus Christ knew they were there, but He quoted from it and' indorsed it as the very Scripture of God. Therefore, modern scholarship is more honest than Jesus Christ! Among all these modern infidels, where is the man who will stand up and make the claim? There can be but one other

believe Genesis 1:1: “In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.” . I read in a schoolbook, some time ago, that away back in the prehistoric past, there was a little piece of proto­ plasm that always wanted to be a man- True, there had never been" a man, but it wanted to be a man, just the same! It scratched a freckle that it saw on itself, for 40,000,000 years, and the freckle became an eye! Encour­ aged by the progress, it scratched a freckle on its other side, and it became an eye! To make a long story short,

the protoplasm became a man, and that is how men came to b e ! I submit that it is easier to be­ lieve that “God created man in His own image.” It is not difficult to believe that “in the beginning God cre­ ated the heaven and the earth.” The Bible does not say when the beginning was. The beginning may have been a million million years ago. If the professor wants to add another million, let him do it! “And the earth was desola­ tion and waste” (Jeremiah 4:23- 26). “Isaiah 24:1 and 45:18 clearly indicate that the earth had undergone a cataclysmic change, as the result of divine judgment. The face of the earth bears everywhere the marks of such a catastrophe” ( Scofield). The first creative act refers to the dateless past. The second and third creative acts were ani­ mal life and man. Between verses one and two, there is space for all the geologic ages. When the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters, God was beginning the reconstruction of an earth that had been pass­ ing through judgment. When God creates, or makes, a thing, He creates, or makes, it perfect. He would violate His own nature, should He do other­ wise. He looks upon all that His hand creates and makes, and pro­ nounces it very good. He can­ not make an imperfect earth. He cannot create an imperfect man. He c r e a t e d “the Anointed Cherub that covereth,” and he

proposition: There are no mis­ takes in the Old Testament, and Jesus Christ is the embodiment of wisdom and knowledge! II. T, h e B ible I s A M iracle of S c ientific A ccuracy True science has not thrown a doubt upon a single Bible state­ ment. The definition of science in the Standard Dictionary i s : “Knowledge gained and veri­ fied by correct thinking and ex­ act observation.” I wish every schoolboy and every schoolgirl would write that definition in a fly-leaf of each schoolbook! A scientific statement is as capable of absolute demonstration as a mathematical proposition or a conclusion of logic. There is not an honest scientist in the world who believes that, according to knowledge g a i n e d by correct thinking and exact observation, the Genesis story, or any other statement of the Bible is a myth! There are scientists who have made great discoveries along some lines of truth, who have said some very foolish things about the Bible, that have betrayed their ignorance and oftentimes their viciousness. The fact that Bur­ bank pan develop a new kind of potato, does not make him an authority on matters spiritual. The fact that Edison is a wizard in electricity, does not keep him from speaking as a fool on Theology. Many who are experts in one line have

said and done some very silly things on other lines. The ex-president of a great university lectured at Corvallis, Oregon, for over two hours one night, and proved to his own satisfaction that there could not be another w a r! The next day Germany started for Paris, and began the worst war in history! It would not be out of place for the experts on pota­ toes, electricity, education, and the like, to sit for a little while at the feet of experts in Bible teaching! The men who have discovered some truth certainly ought not to be given credit for knowing all truth. There are many scholars who believe that the Bible is the Word of God. They have no occasion for shame! It is not difficult to

became a devil through his fall. He created man in His own image, and he became a sinner through his fall. He created the heaven and the earth, and the earth became desolation and waste. There is not an objection raised by the infidel scientists in the last nineteen centuries, that has not been fully answered by men as scholarly as the objectors. We should be careful not to accept that which is only a hypothesis, as “knowledge gained and verified by correct thinking and exact observation” ! But the Bible is not only scientific; it is a miracle of scientific accuracy. The human writers of the Bible were surrounded with all forms of vagaries in science. Who

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guarded Isaiah from the foolish notions of his time, concerning the shape of the earth, and caused him to w rite: " Thou art He who sitteth upon the circle of the earth”? Isaiah was not a college professor, yet he seemed to know enough to keep from being the laughingstock of the generations that followed him! Who put it into the head of the Bible writers to say: “The life is in the blood,” and “Keep thy heart with all diligence, for out of it are the issues o f life”? The facts concerning the blood and its circulation were here written down long before the dis­ coveries of modern science! They anticipated the discov­ eries of modern science in more than a score of instances. There is not another book that has been in existence for ten years or more, dealing with a third of the number of scientific matters referred to by Bible writers, that does not contain foolish statements concerning known facts of science! Not one science textbook that I used in college, would bring five cents on the open market! The Bible is like Pat’s stone wall. He made it four feet high and four feet thick, so it would be the same height, should it be blown over. The infidel scientist has upset the Old Book many times, but it always stands, “An Impregnable Rock of Sacred Scripture” ! The conclusion is, that “holy men of old spake as they were moved by the Holy Spirit,” of they could not have spoken jn such perfect accord with true science. III. T h e B ible S atisfies T h e D emand of T h e H eart There is a longing in every heart to know the answer to some important questions that cannot be answered with­ out divine revelation. I want to know who God is. If there is no divine revelation on the subject, I have no means of knowing. I see no reason why I should blame the pagan for wor­ shiping idols. It is an innocent pastime! If “the Bible is simply and only the history of man’s search for God,” why cannot he search for a god among his .idols, since there is no prospect of him finding a satisfactory god? “Can a man by searching find out God?” I want to know if God can forgive sin- How God can be just, and a justifier of sinners, is a problem that has never been settled outside of revelation. When your Gov­ ernor pardons a man convicted of a crime, there is some­ thing wrong with the law, something wrong with the execution of the law, or something wrong with the Gov­ ernor. If there is a God, He must be just, and justice for­ bids the condoning of sin in any form. Socrates once said to Plato: “It may be that the gods can forgive sin, but how I cannot tell.” Neither can any other human being solve the problem! I want to know what I am worth. Without a revela­ tion the only logical answer to the question is, what I will bring in the open market. If there is no revelation, Dr. Osier was right. Some of us are getting painfully near the age.for chloroforming! Why not? Why a Board of Ministerial Relief? Why not chloroform the old preacher? Why pay taxes to support institutions for the care of those who no longer produce to the wealth of society? Chloroform them! • You say you have higher ideals than that? Where did you get them? I think you stole them from your mother’s Bible; but the Bible, they tell us, has no authority as a revelation from God; therefore you have no right to use it in estimating the worth of a man. If there is no revela­ tion from God on the subject, then our- worth must be expressed in terms of dollars and cents.

I once saw men sell a sheep for $3,000. I was but a boy. I had read in the Bible, “How much better is a man than a sheep!” I thought of some of the bqys at school whom I did not love, and I made up my mind that if the statement was true, God must have seen something in man that was beyond his worth in the market! I am told that you can buy girl babies in India for twenty-five cents apiece. They are not worth it, so far as human wisdom can estimate! I want to know where I am going. If God has not spoken on that subject, I do not care for the opinions of men. They tell us God has not spoken- Then we are in the dark. Sir Oliver Lodge tells us that death does not end all. Why should I believe his guess, rather than any other man’s guess ? Looking into the window of a second­ hand book store, I once saw three books lying together: “Some Recent Discoveries In Psychic Phenomena,” by Lodge; “Will There Be Another War?” by Jordan; and “How I Discovered the North Pole,” by Dr. Cook! I went in and congratulated the bookseller on his splendid classification! If God has not spoken concerning the hereafter, Robert G. Ingersoll has said the last thing, -and the best thing, that can be said at the graves of our dear ones. Standing over his brother’s casket, with tears streaming down his face, he said: “Life is but a barren vale between the cold and ice-clad peaks of two eternities. We strive in vain to look beyond the heights. We lift our trembling voices in the silence of the night, only to hear the echo of their cry” ! . Will God leave the questions of my soul unanswered? Will He create man with a longing and make no provi­ sion for the satisfaction of his longing? If I am not the creation of an intelligent, personal God, where did I get the longing? If I am, why should I not expect a revela­ tion of the answers to the great questions of my heart? If I can find a revelation that will satisfy my heart, why should I not accept it as from God? I have found such a revelation! The Bible satisfies! I want to know who made all things. The Book tells m e: “In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.” That is reasonable! That does not ask me to believe something I cannot believe. The lit­ tle child and the old philosopher have both accepted that statement. Something must have existed from all eternity. If not, whatever exists now must have created itself. That is unbelievable. If matter alone existed through all eternity, intelli­ gence must have been added, and it must have existed before it was added, or, you are forced to admit that mat­ ter is infinitely wise, and infinitely powerful. That is unbe­ lievable, for there is no will-power or purpose in matter. But I see the evidence everywhere of will-power and purpose, that compels me to believe that there is a God. “The heavens declare His glory, and the firmament show- eth His handiwork.” The first verse of the Bible satisfies! What is God? George Gillespie has boiled down the Bible answer to this: “God is a Spirit, infinite, eternal and unchangeable, in His being, wisdom, power, holiness, justice, goodness and truth.” No one can analyze God, but the Bible satisfies m e! Can God forgive sin? I cannot think of a Supreme Being without the attribute of perfect justice. If God is, He is just. How then can God forgive sin and be just? This Bible tells me: “He gave His only begotten Son, that'whosoever believeth in Him, should not perish but have everlasting life.” “Herein is love, not that we loved God, but that God loved us, and sent His Son to be the propitiation for our sins.” “In this was manifested the

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He said: “Doctor, you know you and I have never seen alike concerning the Bible and Jesus Christ. But I am dying, and I am in the dark. Can’t you help me ?” I asked him how it happened that he had wandered so far away from the teaching of his childhood. He said: “When I started to college, my mother gave me a Bible. I read it some, for a few months, but one of my professors taught that the Bible was a myth—that the whole Book was a fraud. I came to my room one night, after hearing a minis­ ter appeal to a body of students to believe in Jesus Christ. I was much impressed. I got out the Bible my mother gave me. It lay open on my table, and I said : ‘It cannot be true. I know my mother believed it, but my mother never went to college, and she accepted it just on faith. The professor has, or is supposed to have, weighed all the evi­ dence on the subject, and he says the Bible is a fraud. He must be right. I will accept the evolutionary hypothesis, and give up the Bible.’ But,” said he, “I am dying, and I am not satisfied. Can’t you help me?” I said: “Doctor, let us go back to those college days. You are in your room. You have come from the church where you heard the minister plead. Will you not open your little Bible again? Now say with me, if you will, ‘Perhaps it is true after all, and God helping me, I will take the Bible, with its story of the cross—I will take the Christ of the Bible as a working hypothesis!’ ” He raised up in his bed, and with all the earnestness of his soul, cried ou t: “You have got me, s ir ! I will!” No man ever accepted the story of the Bible as a working hypothesis, who had a doubt for a dying pillow! The Bible fits! Try it! i n Spiritual Selfishness "Have I eaten my morsel alone?” This was Job’s reflection when looking back upon his past life, and it was a comfort to him to remember that he had always shared his morsel with others. The literal application is simple enough. It touches the principle of selfishness and explains the reason why many a life surrounded with affluence is unsatisfied and unblessed. It has vainly sought to heap up to itself the thick clay of earthly pleasures and possessions, and forgotten that the only secret of happiness is unselfish love. But there is a spiritual application. Have you eaten your morsel of spiritual blessing yourself alone? Have you taken the precious blood-bought salvation of Jesus Christ as a personal luxury and forgotten that it is a sacred trust? Have your prayers been centered upon you and yours? Has life revolved around the radius of your own petty little world of interest and affection? Or have you learned the glorious secret that everything that God gives is a trust to be passed on to others, and to multiply in our hands as we scatter it? The useless luxury of Christians would give the Gos­ pel to the world in a single year. The idle and unhappy drones in the Church of Jesus Christ could encompass the globe with the Gospel of salvation and. bring the millen­ nium in a generation if they were only redeemed from spiritual selfishness. Let us ask ourselves Job’s question, “Have I eaten my morsel alone?” And as God continues to bless us with “all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ Jesus,” let us take the blessing, but let us give it as freely as we receive i t ; let us hear Him say, “Go thy way, eat the fat, drink the sweet, and send portions to them for whom nothing is prepared.”—A . B. Simpson.

love o f God, that God sent His only begotten Son, that we might live through Him.” The Son-of God took my place. He suffered the pen­ alty for my sin. We may be,saved in the justice of God! He could not, out of supreme love for man, pardon his transgressions. To deny the atoning work of Christ, is to attack the integrity of God. Someone had to suffer. “The wages o f sin is death.” If my soul is to live, and not die, the Son of God must die in my place- The Bible says that He did. That satisfies! What am I worth? Without a revelation, my worth must be expressed in language of dollars and cents. Is there no other way to determine my worth? When I look into the pages of this Bible and ask the question, the an­ swer comes to me with sweet satisfaction: “You are worth dying for” ! The Bible tells us that Jesus Christ shall “see the travail of His soul and be satisfied.” He will be satisfied in u s ! .He did not die for nothing. There was no waste in our redemption. He saw something in a redeemed soul far beyond the value placed upon man in the marts of the world. Because of this ideal of the worth of man, the best and bravest men and women in all the earth, during nineteen centuries, have gone out to lay down their lives as stepping stones in the brook of time, that upon them the Son of God might walk in His tri­ umphant progress around the world! A man is worth the Son of God dying for! That satisfies. Where am I going? What is beyond? Ingersoll said: “We lift our voices in the silence of the night, only to hear the echo of their cry.” That is infidelity a t’its best! What more can be said, by anyone, if God has not spoken? If there is no revelation from God on the subject, then the thing to do at every grave, is to deliver IngersolFs ora­ tion, have the choir sing “Beautiful Isle of Somewhere,” fill up the grave, and turn away with a heavy heart! I challenge the Modernist to produce a ray of hope for life after death, if the Bible is “simply and only the history of man’s search after God” ! But the Bible gives a ground of hope! I have seen the dear old mother die. She said: “Children, I am dying, and I want you to help me sing the twenty-third Psalm, as I pass into the glory.” And if you had heard her sing on the brink of eternity, you could not have believed that her life had been “but a barren vale between the cold and ice-clad peaks of two eternities.” You would not have believed that she was striving “in vain to look beyond the heights,” or that she was lifting her voice “in the silence of the night, only to hear the echo of her cry” ! No! No! It seemed that even death paused for a moment to listen to the song of the saint: The Lord’s my Shepherd, I’ll not want. He makes me down to lie In pastures green, He leadeth me The quiet waters by. My soul He doth restore again, And me to walk doth make Within the paths of righteousness, Ev’n for His own name’s sake. . Yea, though I walk through death’s dark vale, Yet will I fear no ill, For Thou art with me and Thy rod And staff, me comfort still. Goodness and mercy all my life, Shall surely follow me, And in God’s house forevermore, My dwelling place shall be. You cannot find that any place but in the Bible! It satisfies! A few years ago, I visited my old family physician. I had heard that he was dying. I went into the sickroom.

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The Prophet’s Place and Duty B y R ev . J ohn G. R eid , P h .D. (Spokane, Wash.)

If any one thing is clear, it is that they were in no sense servants of man or amenable to man, or in the re­ motest degree to be controlled by man. The prophet was “the man o f God,” God’s man, and he still i s ; the mes­ senger of Jehovah, sent where God wills, not where he selects or where men “call” him; to speak what God bids, not what men “pay for” ; to “tell them, Thus saith Jeho­ vah,” whether men will hear or forbear. All this must sound strangely to modern ears! Yet such is the inspired picture of the “prophet,” the “man of God,” the “minister” who has any divine right to the name or to the office. No man ought, as a minister of Jesus Christ, ever to enter the pulpit without a clear, definite consciousness that he goes, not in his private, personal capacity, but as the minister ( diakonos, servant) of Jesus Christ. As the commissioned messenger, as the authorized ambassador of the Son of God, charged with a specific message which he must deliver as it is delivered to him, which he may—nay, must deliver wth authority. “Hear ye the word o f Jeho­ vah!” “Whether those to whom he is sent hear, or for­ bear.” That is not his concern! His business is faithful discharge of his commission-**-the delivery of his message. He is to “speak as one having authority and not as the scribes.” If he cannot forget himself and all earthly relation­ ships of whatever character, and merge himself in his official position, he should STAY OUT OF THE PUL­ P IT ! This is imperative! If a true minister of God and not a mere hireling of man, he is not a private individual. The words which he speaks are not his but His who sent him. This will solemnize him and at the same time inspire, give confidence and deliver him from “the fear o f man which bringeth a snare” ( Prov. 2 9 :25). Never was emphasis upon these things more needed than just now when, alas, too many are rash enough jn this present day of “liberalism” in thought and speech, as in those days of old, to assume the name—the office— and to speak in the name of Jehovah, of whom He said: “I have not sent those prophets, yet they ran : I have not spoken to them, yet they prophesied.” “They speak a vision out of their own heart and not out o f the mouth of Jehovah” (Jer. 23:16, 21). R esponsibilities of th e O ffice But my purpose is to dwell not so much upon the authority and dignity of the office as upon its responsibili­ ties. If “the priest’s lips should keep knowledge and they should seek the law at his mouth because he is the mes­ senger of Jehovah of hosts, much more the prophet who stood above the priest, as Moses above Aaron; as Samuel above E li; Haggai and Zechariah above Zerubabbel and Joshua, as the personal representative of his Sovereign. Is any conscious of the divine call to the prophetic office constraining him to “leave all and follow him”? Has he “seen God” as did Isaiah or Ezekiel or Moses or Paul ? Has he felt the coal on his lips purging them from iniquity? Has God touched his mouth? Has he suddenly, in the midst of a prosaic life, been confronted with a bush

"I ordained, thee a prophet." —Jer. 1 :5-7, 9. "As for thee — stand thou here by me, and, I will speak unto thee all the com­ mandments and the statutes and the judgments which thou shalt teach them, that they may do them."- —Deut. 5 :31. RIGHT conception of the office and position of iPRa a minister is vital in these days .when on all sides Jl^g l it is so misunderstood. All the words in the J e m , Bible for “the preacher” are significant. The Jj-ffwllt “prophet” in the New Testament is one who “speaks for God”; i.e., who stands as the medium of the revelation of God’s mind; and “prophecy” ( proph- etia) is distinctively the proclamation of truths of divine revelation. In the Old Testament the thought is rather of the inspiration. The word is “a bubbling spring”—suggesting the “bubbling up” of that which in spite of them struggles for utterance. A large part of Old Testament prophecy is predictive; but by no means all. Much of it is didactic; much is positive revelation. In confining prophecy to prediction we have distorted the word and shorn many passages of their meaning. T h e P rophet C alled and C ommissioned by G od Both bring into view men “called o f God” for a spe­ cific purpose. “No man taketh this honor to himself, but he who is called o f God.” With their selection man had nothing to do. In one case only had man any part in their ordination. Moses was chosen and ordained of God at “the bush.” Samuel had no human hands laid upon his head. We have no record of Nathan’s ordination. Who anointed Elijah? Isaiah’s and Jeremiah’s and Ezekiel’s calls to the office are well known. Provision was made for the maintenance of the priests but none for the prophets. Nowhere do we read of their receiving any “salary” or share in the tithes or, indeed, any compensation whatsoever from man. When any was suggested or offered it was indignantly refused (see 2 Kings 5:16; Dan. 5:17). Yet they never suffered. God took care of them and saw that their needs were sup­ plied (1 Kings 17:4, 9). Called of God and ordained, set apart to this sacred and responsible office, they obtained their message directly from God, through the “g ift of prophecy,” a special en- duement of the Holy Spirit equipping them to “speak for God.” They spake from God, being moved (irresistibly borne along) by the Holy Spirit (2 Peter 1:21). “The Spirit o f Jehovah came upon them” (Isaiah 6 1 :1). “The word o f Jehovah came to them” (Jer. 1:11, 13), and. countless other passages. They “spake the preaching God bade them.” When modification or accommodation to popular demand was suggested they replied: “A s Jehovah liveth, what Jehovah saith to me that shall I speak” (1 Kings 22 :14). “Must I not take heed to speak that which Jehovah hath put in my mouth?” (Num. 23:12, 16, 26; 24:13— et al). It was perilous to mock at or to question their utterances (2 Kings 7 :2, 7, 20) or to offer them any indignity (1 Kings 13:4). “Touch not mine anointed and do my prophets no harm” (Psa. 105:15).

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