King's Business - 1929-08

THE HARVEST TRULY .IS* PLENTEOUS In vario u s p a rts of th e w orld a N ative T rainer C hristian m ay be sup p o rted in th e w ork o' G od fo r an entire y e ar fo r from $25 to $600 L iteratu re free. NATIVE PREACHER CO. INC., Box K, 251 F airm o u n t Rd., Ridgewood, N. J

SAVE A SOUL FROM DEATH This is being done in A frica, C hina, India, by N ative E vangelists an d B ible W om en who are being su p p o rted for from 80c to $2.00 a week, $40 to $100 for a year. W rite Rev. H. A. B arton, Secy., Box B, 473 G reen A ve., B rooklyn, N. Y., fo r free literatu re.

C ommun ion W are of Q uality ) InAluminum or Silver Plate BEST MATERIALS•LOWESTPRICES FINEST WORKMANSHIP Sen d fo r Illu stra ted Catalog INDIVIDUAL COMMUNION SERVICE LO. ROOM 3 5 6 1701-03 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADEl.PKIA.PA. Kill All F lies I THEY SPREAD _________ __________ DISEASE Placed anywhere, DAISY FLY KILLER attracts and kills all flies. Neat, clean, ornamental, convenient and cheap. Lasts allsea-

Pipe-Tone Folding Organs 4 Octave Double Reed In order to introduce our LATEST MODEL LIBERTY PIPE-TONE FOLDING OR­ GANS, either leatherette cov­ ered, or 3-ply oak case, we will accept for a limited time orders at $40.00 each (list price $70.00). A. L. WHITE MFG. CO. 205 Englewood Ave., Chicago, III.

T o w e r C h i m e s


J son. Slade °f metal, J can’t spill or tip over? ' will not soil or injure anything. Guaranteed. Insist upon DAISY FLY KILLER from your dealer. B r o o k l y n N. Y.

H A R O L D S O M E R S ,

F R E E I I I I I C C I J E / E i ! THE KING’S BUSINESS offers to its- readers an opportunity to enroll ABSOLUTELY FREE in one òr more of the many comprehensive and instructive Bible courses issued by the Correspondence School Department of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles. These courses have been prepared by ardent students of the Bible, with a view of driving the’student to the Word of God, to see for himself the teachings therein. Through special arrangement with this department, these courses may now be had absolutely free by obtaining new subscriptions to our magazine, THE KING’S BUSINESS. ($1.25 per year U, S. ; $1.50 foreign.) RENEWALS DO NOT APPLY. All who are thus enrolled will be entitled to the same privileges as those who pay the regular enrollment fee. Certifi­ cate granted upon satisfactory completion of each course. The following schedule gives a brief description of the courses and the number of new subscriptions required for en­ rollment in any one of them:

C C I E I E I N um ber S ubscriptions R equired

N um ber S ubscriptions R equired

THROUGH TH E BIBLE IN A YEAR 1 A telescopic stu d y of th e books of Bible, giving a b ird ’s eye view of co n ten ts of each book. the ) t h e j

BIBLE BEGINNERS’ COURSE A series of v ital studies especially for young C hristians, ta k in g up som e of th e ru d im en tary tru th s of th e C h ris­ tian faith. STUDIES IN TH E GOSPELS A verse-b y -v erse stu d y of the gospels, giving one a clear conception of the earth ly m in istry of o u r Lord. STUDIES IN ACTS A sim ilar stu d y in th e book of A cts to th a t in th e gospels. FUNDAMENTAL DOCTRINES OF CHRISTIANITY A th o ro u g h course of study fundam ental d o ctrines of the th e foundation of C hristianity. THROUGH TH E BIBLE BY BOOKS AND CHAPTERS A n an aly sis of each c h ap ter is m ade by th e stu d en t on four given subjects. A n in tro d u ctio n on each book is also given, upon w hich th e stu d en t is ex­ am ined. on the Bible,




4 p er gospel 14 all gospels

A stu d y of chu rch w ork and dealings w ith the unsaved.




TEACHER TRAINING COURSE U nit One— The T eacher. U nit Two— T he Pupil. A m ost p ractical p ed ag o g ­ ical an d evangelical course of stu d y on th is im p o rtan t p hase of th e m inis­ try of th e church. C redit given in th e S tan d ard L eadership T rain in g C u rric­ ulum ^ of th e In tern atio n al Council of R eligious E ducation, also in th e Day School D epartm ent of the Bible In sti­ tu te. SU PPLEM ENTAL COURSE D esigned especially fo r those of th e ju n io r and in term ed iate age, th o u g h the stu d ies will also be found p ro fit­ able to th e adult.


8 P er U nit


10 Old Test. 8 Néw Test.




The K ing’s Business, 536 S. H ope St., Los A ngeles, C alif:. G entlem en:

E nclosed please find $ su b scrip tio n s to y o u r m agazine, also list of nam es and ad d resses of subscribers. A ccording to y o u r special offer of free enrollm ent, in a Bible C orrespondence course, I desire enrollm ent in the



N am e.....

536 South Hope St.

Los Angeles. Calif.

A ddress.

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